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This decaying sea-port was connected with Medina by a pigeon- post, and in reply to his viceroy's enquiry with reference to the victim about to be offered by the despairing Egyptians to the Nile, Omar had sent a reply which had been immediately forwarded to the Kadi.

Possibly it is still lying in Mannheim; but this is unlikely, as I know that, during his stay in Paris, all his letters have been regularly forwarded to him.

At seven he again refused Miss Harden's hospitality and withdrew to his hotel. He was to return before nine to let her know his decision, and as yet he had done nothing towards thinking it out. A letter had come for him by the evening post. It had been forwarded from his rooms and ran thus.

Not having received any letters during my residence on the little peninsula which, it appears, is out of the circuit of the post-office department I called at the establishment of Lynn to make inquiry whether or no any letters had been forwarded here: the young man in attendance "guessed" that there had been one or two, maybe; but if there was, the stage-driver had had them.

William of Wykeham purchased the restoration of his temporalities by an unworthy deference to Alice Perrers. Wycliffe remained powerful, flattered, and consulted, though his enemies had already drawn up secret articles against him, which they had forwarded to the papal curia.

Later I made an attempt with my friend Baroness Rosenkrantz of Rome to get a message through the other way i.e. from Mr Myers and myself to Dr Hodgson, via Mrs Piper. The Baroness and I had a little "sitting" alone, wrote one or two short messages with a couple of extracts from Mr Myers' own writings, sealed up the envelope carefully, and I forwarded it to Dr Hodgson. But the test failed.

He replied that he had left it in his own carriage that morning, and having more luggage than he could take with him, had desired these trunks to be forwarded by the coach. I had by that time resumed my serenity. I took out a memorandum-book, wrote down the address on the trunks, saying that I was sorry not to have seen Mr De Benyon, and that I would write to him.

The police-office is a small dark room, in the basement story of the Town Hall of Southport; and over the mantel-piece, hanging one upon another, there are innumerable advertisements of robberies in houses, and on the highway, murders, too, and garrotings; and offences of all sorts, not only in this district, but wide away, and forwarded from other police-stations.

A citizen of Hamburg or rather, of the world of the name of Seveking, bestowed on him the hand of a sister; and though he is not accused of avarice, some of the contributions extorted by our Government from the neutral Hanse Towns are said to have been left behind in his coffers instead of being forwarded to this capital.

"I did not think of that before, Mark, and it is possible that you are right; but I don't know; he might have thought that it would be impossible for me to dispose of them at Madras or Calcutta, and may have assumed that I should at once deposit them in a bank to be forwarded with other treasure to England, or that I should get them packed away in the treasure safe in the ship I came back by, and that I should not really have them on my person till I landed in England, or until I took them from the Bank.