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Was he going to keep to it until he got to Forty-second Street and try to make Fifth Avenue along that congested block with its crush of Grand Central passengers and lines upon lines of hacks and teams? No. His head must be clear. Again he threw the great machine around the corner and into Fortieth Street. For a part of the block our wheels rode the sidewalk, and I awaited the crash.

What I did say was conventional enough simply, "Why, how do you do," to his eager, "Hello, Miss Vars!" while I shook hands with him as he stood beneath me on the ground. "Saw you on Fifth Avenue a week ago," he went on, "hiking for some place in a taxi. Lost you in the crowd at Forty-second. Thought you might be rounding up here before long. So decided I'd run up and say howdy.

Duncan, miserably apprehensive that they would meet some acquaintance and have to give an explanation of their mad journey, satisfied himself that there was no such immediate danger, and, assuming a forbidding expression, sat erect in his seat. But he finally fell into an uneasy sleep, not rousing himself until the train drew into the Forty-second Street station late in the evening.

But there was this difference: Her companion gazed straight into the eyes of the men; Susan's glance shot past above or just below their eyes. As they left the car at Forty-second Street the other girl gave her short skirt a dexterous upward flirt that exhibited her legs almost to the hips.

"And so I have," he murmured to me. "And both at Forty-second and Fifth Avenue, N. Y. U. S. A." Yolara considered all this with manifest doubt. "Hell?" she inquired at last. "I know not the word." "Well," answered O'Keefe. "Say Muria then. In many ways they are, I gather, O heart's delight, one and the same." Now the doubt in the blue eyes was strong indeed. She shook her head.

The numerical streets are all sixty feet wide, excepting Fourteenth, Twenty-third, Thirty-fourth, Forty-second, and eleven others, north of these, which are one hundred feet wide. There are twelve fine avenues at parallel distances apart of about eight hundred feet. They begin about First or Fourth street, and run to the end of the island.

En route to the Subway she never looked back. At Forty-second Street she detrained, walked into the Knickerbocker, entered the ladies dressing room, turned her coat, redraped her hat, checked her gaiters, and sought a taxi. Within two blocks of Cutty's she dismissed the cab and finished the journey on foot. At the left of the lobby was an all-night apothecary's, with a door going into the lobby.

But if I hear it again I'll think I am at Aeolian Hall listening to an English author lecture. I'll put you in your car on Forty-second Street and send you home." "You can't send me home," she reminded him; "you are too proper and have too many scruples. You'll have to stay with me now for life. I am ruined." They laughed happily. "You are," he echoed her. "Isn't it nice?"

Wrenn, as they left Broadway, with its crowds betokening the approach of Christmas, and stamped to the quieter side of Forty-second, "why wouldn't this make a slick play: say there's an awfully rich old guy; say he's a railway president or something, d' you see? Well, he's got a secretary there in the office on the stage, see? The scene is his office.

"Which direction are you going?" "Up Fifth Avenue. Coming my way?" "Yesh I'm with you only I must stop in Forty-second Street first at a jeweller's to get a ring I ordered." Grinning stupidly at Hadley, he went on: "Great idea diamonds! You can do anything with a woman if you give her all the jewels she wants! See, my boy?"