United States or Sierra Leone ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Mortimer, mopping his bald head after one of his energetic failures at lawn tennis, grunted assent, and remarked that a few years more would see a like development in their elder son, a remark which bordered on absurdity; for Johnny was but eight, and ten years are not a few years to a lady of twenty-eight, whatever they may seem to a man of forty-four.

Do not exercise your power; let him be the consolation of my life; let me marry him." The King, no longer able to hide his disgust and impatience, said, "Cousin, you are now a good forty-four years old; at that age you ought to be able to take care of yourself. Spare me all your grievances, and do what pleases you."

This prodigious navy was manned by one hundred and forty-four thousand sailors, and eighty-five of her war vessels were on the American coast, equipped and ready for action. In amazing contrast to all this, we had only twenty large war vessels and a number of gunboats that were of little account.

In this section of the Fihrist we have in all forty-four titles of books. Among them a large number can be directly traced to Persian origin and a portion were evidently written under Persian influence. To the first class we have no hesitation in assigning fourteen names of books, since as we shall see, two of them or possibly three pertain to one and the same work.

He brought with him an intercepted letter from Marshall to his wife, revealing the important fact that the Confederate general had five thousand men forty-four hundred infantry and six hundred cavalry with twelve pieces of artillery, and that he was daily expecting an attack from a Union force of ten thousand. It was clear that Brown had been true, and that it was from him Gen.

Half an hour afterwards we were eating it in various forms, all of which were excellent. We had thus travelled over forty-four miles of country from Minneria without killing a single head of game. Had we remained a week in the district through which we had passed so rapidly, we must have had most excellent sport. All this was the effect of being hurried for time.

The absurd jealousies that deprived Schuyler of command, in 1777, alone prevented him from standing next to Washington. He was close upon forty-four when, he gave way to Gates, who was forty-nine. The military reputation of both Schuyler and Hamilton has been most nobly maintained by their living descendants.

The night was clear, still, and intensely cold, the thermometer at sunset marking forty-four degrees below zero, and sinking rapidly to -50° as the rosy flush in the west grew fainter and fainter, and darkness settled down upon the vast steppe.

At noon on Tuesday, April 5, the Young America had made two hundred and forty-four miles during the preceding twenty-four hours, which was the best run she had had during the voyage.

"Aye, and there 'tis now. She's the best, and I keeps she for the last," said Skipper Blink proudly, as he delivered it into Charley's hands. "She's a rifle now. She's the best and strongest shootin' gun I ever sees." "This isn't heavy," said Charley. "I like it mighty well. Try it, Toby, and see what you think of it." "She is fine and light," said Toby. "I likes un better'n the forty-four."