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For a colder, more taciturn and discomfortable hostess could not be conceived. She would scarcely exchange a word through the meal no, not with her husband, though he watched and seemed to forestall her wants with a tender officiousness. And even the husband, though he pretended to observe nothing, must have known my relief when she withdrew and left us with the decanters.

Marshall gathered that it was some sort of secret society, and that they had signed an oath in their own blood not to tell. "Johnny is at the bottom of it," she thought, laughing as she went back to the house. "He has set the other boys to sewing in order to forestall them. Now they cannot tease him, should they hear of his private quilt-piecing."

The Washington National Sightings proved one thing, something that many of us already knew: in order to forestall any more trouble similar to what we'd just been through we always had to get all of the facts and not try to hide them.

Jimmie Dale laughed a little harshly to himself. So far, so good but the game was not ended yet for all the crackle of the crisp notes in his pocket. There was still the map, still the robbery at Mittel's house the ten-thousand-dollar "theft" would not in any way change that, and it was a question of time now to forestall any move the Weasel might make.

At last, they feared, there was really co-ordination in the Entente, and there might be such a synchronizing of its offensives that Germany, in spite of her interior lines, would be unable to transfer the weight of her forces from one threatened point to another. Her strategy in the spring was to forestall this comprehensive danger.

The man thought that he caught the inference of that moment of silence. "We can fix up the matter of clothes later," he made haste to forestall any objection in that direction. "That doesn't amount to anything, anyway." The clear eyes lifted again, steady and wide and very, very grave. "I always knowed it was comin'," said Stephen O'Mara.

When he arrived at the top of the fence he paused, and mopped his brow. "What?" they thundered, in an agony of sudden, unreasoning disappointment. Mrs. Joe Peterson, who was a distant connection of Milton Jacoby, thought to forestall any damage to her social position by saying at once disdainfully, "Drunk, I s'pose!" "Yep," said the major, still on the fence, and mopping his brow.

The very fact that Pine was a Romany, and was on his native heath, appealed to Lambert as a reason why he should not seek out the man immediately, as he almost felt inclined to do, in order to forestall Chaldea's story.

Her love, clearer-sighted, had striven to forestall our separation: why should we be parted all those weary weeks? why put the sea between us? I had accepted all these obstacles as a dreary necessity, never thinking for the moment that conventional objections might be overcome, aunts and guardians talked over, and the whole matter arranged by two people determined on their own sweet will.

Not the same stuff in him that there is in Ernest a fibre or two wanting somewhere. But I mustn't praise Ernest a rival! a rival! It's war to the death between us two now, and no quarter. He's a good fellow, and I like him dearly; but all's fair in love and war; and I must go down to Calcombe to-morrow morning and forestall him immediately.