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Cruickshank's name alone would have filled the courthouse, and people would have gone away quoting him. From the first word of the case for the prosecution there was that in the leading counsel's manner a gravity, a kindness, an inclination to neglect the commoner methods of scoring that suggested, with the sudden chill of unexpectedly bad news, a foregone conclusion.

You do not come here to consult me; I understand all that; you come here to break a foregone conclusion to a weak and miserable woman. 'Do not say such things, Katherine! 'What should I say? What can I say? 'Anything but that.

The victory was a crucial one. The erratic Vane went off to England; Cotton returned to his first allegiance; and when the cause of all the trouble was cited to appear before the court in the fall of the same year, the decree of banishment was a foregone conclusion. Like Luther before the diet, Anne Hutchinson pressed for reasons "I desire to know wherefore I am banished."

Adister with features which were the acutest critical summary of the discord caused toll to be paid instantly, and they beheld a flashing of white teeth and heard Italian accents. The monkey saluted militarily, but with painful suggestions of his foregone drilling in the ceremony. 'We are safe nowhere from these intrusions, Mrs.

"Then for heaven's sake, let us purchase with them something worth having!" Hadria cried. "Hear, hear!" assented Algitha. "Unpleasant facts being a foregone conclusion," Hadria added, "the point to aim at obviously is interesting facts and plenty of them." Ernest flicked a pebble off the parapet of the balustrade of the little temple, and watched it fall, with a silent splash, into the river.

Under the foregone conclusion that light itself has a definite velocity, and that this velocity is the same throughout the universe, Bradley's observation of the aberration of the stars seemed indeed to make it possible to calculate this velocity from the knowledge of the earth's own speed and the angle of aberration.

There was Carlotta's mother, Norman Wilson, and Angela, to guard against, to say nothing of the constant pricking of his own conscience. It is almost a foregone conclusion in any situation of this kind that it cannot endure. The seed of its undoing is in itself. We think that our actions when unseen of mortal eyes resolve themselves into nothingness, but this is not true.

When the prisoner was brought in, a murmur of sympathy ran through the crowded Court, so ill and worn-out he looked; but Calton was puzzled to account for the expression of his face, so different from that of a man whose life had been saved, or, rather, was about to be saved, for in truth it was a foregone conclusion.

Now Leon is really quite hungry to know some things, especially about the practical application of thought to business, but he knows just where and how to find what he wants, so I let him take his own time and his own way." "Which will end, of course, in his wanting to know all, providing you have the patience to wait", laughed Kate. "That is a foregone conclusion.

To these people the acquittal of Holymead was a foregone conclusion. The man who had saved Birchill's life by his brilliant forensic abilities was not likely to fail when his own life was at stake. But when the case came before the police court and the police produced their evidence, it was seen that there was a strong case against the prisoner.