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"Why to-day, Bryce?" she interrupted him. He took her adorable little nose in his great thumb and forefinger and tweaked it gently. "The light began to dawn yesterday, my dear little enemy, following an interesting half-hour which I put in with His Honour the Mayor.

"At least we can identify the murderer by the finger print upon the seal," De Grissac remarked, eagerly. "I'm afraid not. This man Seltz cannot be quite a fool. Look!" He held up the forefinger of the dead man's right hand, upon which was a dull red burn, with bits of the red sealing wax about the nail. "He wasn't taking any chances."

"Now, come straight in, Miss Ann. As if you even needed to ask! I was afraid you meant going away this time without coming to have a cup of tea with your old Mellow." Ann shook a reproving forefinger at her. "Now, Mellow, you arch-hypocrite, you know I'd never dare!

In very tender years, when he still wore a lace border under his outdoor cap, he was often observed peeping through the bars of a gate and making minatory gestures with his small forefinger while he scolded the sheep with an inarticulate burr, intended to strike terror into their astonished minds; indicating thus early that desire for mastery over the inferior animals, wild and domestic, including cockchafers, neighbors' dogs, and small sisters, which in all ages has been an attribute of so much promise for the fortunes of our race.

He pointed at his prisoner a forefinger with a long, almond-shaped nail. "Where is the silver of the San Tome mine? I ask you, Mitchell, where is the silver that was deposited in this Custom House? Answer me that! You stole it. You were a party to stealing it. It was stolen from the Government. Aha! you think I do not know what I say; but I am up to your foreign tricks. It is gone, the silver! No?

One and all endeavored to loose their hands after Tom, by a movement of his forefinger, had turned the switch of the battery, and one and all of the giant guards were unable to stir, as the electricity gripped their muscles. They were evidently awed. "This is working better than the fireworks did," murmured Tom. "Now if I can only keep up the good work, and get ahead of Delby I'll be all right.

Raising his head proudly he tapped his forehead with his forefinger, as if to express that it was to his ability this first success was owing. But he soon fell back again on the bed, exhausted, breathless, sinking, with his cotton handkerchief pressed once more to his parched lips. The good news, as Father d'Aigrigny called it, had not cured Rodin.

"Now there ain't no use whinin' about it!" Willing roared him into silence. "Law is Law, and " He ceased quickly, surprised to find Duncan standing between him and his prey. "What !" he began. "Wait!" Duncan touched him gently on the chest with a forefinger, at the same time catching and holding the sheriff's eye. "Are you," he inquired quietly, "labouring under the impression that Mr.

Pericles, clasping the hollow of his cheeks between thumb and forefinger. "Allow me to assure you that what Miss Belloni has said is perfectly correct," Sir Purcell remarked. Mr. Pericles gave a short bow. "It is ze same; I am much obliged." "And you have just come from Italy?" said Emilia. "Where you did me ze favour to send me, it is true. Sanks!" "Oh, what a difference between Italy and this!"

His face, hands, and arms were the color of oak, and he moved with a stiffness that suggested wooden joints. Evidently, he expected an order for the dogcart, and stood stock still when he reached the lawn. But Grant, who had gathered his wits, summoned him with crooked forefinger, and Bates jerked slowly on. "What hev' ye done to yer face, sir?" he inquired. Grant was surprised.