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Had the stern of the ship been fixed, and the fore-part broken off, I am persuaded I might have made a good voyage; for, by what I found in these two chests, I had room to suppose the ship had a great deal of wealth on board; and, if I may guess from the course she steered, she must have been bound from Buenos Ayres, or the Rio de la Plata, in the south part of America, beyond the Brazils, to the Havanna, in the Gulf of Mexico, and so perhaps to Spain.

When the wave receded, he found footing on the rock, and still clinging, he walked till he had gained the fore-part of the boat, which was wedged firmly into a narrow part of the cleft. The next wave was not very large, and he had gained so much that it did not throw him off his legs.

There the royal chief of the Madras, stationed on the fore-part of the car, guideth the steeds of Radha's son of immeasurable energy. Hear the peal of their drums and the fierce blare of their conchs. Hear, O son of Pandu, the diverse leonine roars coming from every side.

In a few minutes six of these guns, which stood on the fore-part of the Vanguard's deck, were left without a man, and three times afterwards were these six guns cleared of men so terrific was the fire of the enemy. Other four of the British vessels sailed ahead of the Vanguard and got into action.

The elevation above it is known as the poop, and the raised deck over the fore-part of the ship is known as the top-gallant forecastle. In early days, as we have seen in the case of the Great Harry and other ships, and even in later days, both at the fore and after-part of the ship there were elevated structures, very properly called castles.

The weight being then immediately transferred to the fore-part, she slips down into the water on the other side, having topped the fence like an Irish hunter. A second galley breaks her back in the attempt.

In the fore-part were two small ranges of brick-work, raised a few inches above the deck, with small round holes, shaped like a lime-kiln, for holding charcoal, on which provisions were dressed. Above the cabin, and supported on upright bamboos, was a grating, on which the crew sat or stood to work the vessel.

The latter attempted to force their way, when the marines fired, and five seamen were killed and one of their officers wounded. On this the crew of the London turned the guns in the fore-part of the ship aft, and threatened to blow the officers, and all who stood by them, into the water.

But the impulse seemed to communicate itself to the others, and almost instantaneously as if some one had proclaimed a way to safety and was leading them on to it the whole crowd followed the foremost and went plunging into the water. In a few seconds not an individual could be seen of all that dark swarm that had so lately crowded the fore-part of the vessel, not one was now visible on board.

Besides, it was to be feared that this current would change to rapids, or to cataracts, a frequent occurrence on the rivers of Africa. The joy of seeing Mrs. Weldon and her child had restored all Dick Sand's strength, and he had posted himself in the fore-part of the boat.