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We had just got upon the subject of music, of which she possesses a surprisingly solid knowledge, and she was telling me that Debussy and his school held no particular charm for her, when Possum set up a wild yelping. The puppy had strayed for'ard along the bridge to the 'midship-house, and had evidently been investigating the chickens when his disaster came upon him.

However, Jacques decided the matter by saying, in a tone that savoured strongly of command, although it was accompanied with a good-humoured smile "Go for'ard, young man; but you may as well put in the primin' first."

My mate's gone, and there'll be a lot of promotion. A sailor comes aft to take mate's place, cabin-boy goes for'ard to take sailor's place, and you take the cabin-boy's place, sign the articles for the cruise, twenty dollars per month and found. Now what do you say? And mind you, it's for your own soul's sake. It will be the making of you.

"She is fitted with a torpedo port for'ard, for firing what the professor called `torpedo-shells'; two 10-inch breech-loading rifled guns, fired through ports in the dining-saloon, and six Maxim guns, fired from the upper deck, to say nothing of small-arms.

"A'm lookin' for'ard to the day when it'll be a coort-martial offense to ask yeer superior officer for matches here's one. Don't strike it till ye give me one of yeer common cigarets." The corporal produced a packet. "A'll ask ye as a favor not to let the men know A've descended to this low an' vulgar habit," said Tam.

It would take too much time, even if we could succeed in making her watertight." "I said so," replied Jack. "I wish we had some grub, though; perhaps there's some for'ard. I'll go and find it if I can." Jack made his way into the forepeak, while Bill was cutting free the lashings, and dragging out the spars. Jack returned in a short time with some cold meat, and biscuit, and cheese.

Pike was apprehensive of a shot from ambush, and it was not until after a scrutiny of several minutes that he put his pistol into his side coat-pocket and snarled for'ard: "Come out, you rats! Show your ugly faces! I want to talk with you!" Guido Bombini, gesticulating peaceable intentions and evidently thrust out by Bert Rhine, was the first to appear. When it was observed that Mr.

'Take your father for'ard of the conning tower. You can talk there without interruption. We shall be on the surface for the present. Ken thanked him gratefully, and they both went forward, and there, leaning against the gray steel of the little turret, with the small waves lapping over the turtle-back forward, Ken told his father how their strange meeting had come about.

At such moments all the life on the Elsinore becomes as unreal as life to the philosopher is unreal. I am a philosopher. Therefore, it is unreal to me. But is it unreal to Messrs. Pike and Mellaire? to the lunatics and idiots? to the rest of the stupid herd for'ard? I cannot help remembering a remark of De Casseres. It was over the wine in Mouquin's.

"Well, from all signs for'ard, you had better overhaul your medicine chest. You will have a patient or two to sniffle over to-morrow morning." The lady shuddered ever so slightly at Swope's words, and her features contracted, as though with pain. Just for an instant then she was serenity again, and she gazed forward, as Swope bade, and silently watched the mates at their work.