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"I've got my child," said Phronsie, putting up a sleepy hand to pat Clorinda's head, but it fell to her side, while her yellow hair slipped closer over her flushed cheek. She tried to say, "Clorinda, we've got home, and my foots are tired," swayed, held her child tighter to her bosom, and over she went in a heap, fast asleep before her head touched the soft grass.

Enwright, pointing to the under part of the stone bench that foots so much of the walls, had said: "Look at that curve." Nothing else. No ecstasies about the sculptures of Jean Goujon and Carpeaux, or about the marvellous harmony of the East facade! But a flick of the cane towards the half-hidden moulding!

In all the changing events of Cuff's life a collar had not figured, and it was harder to adjust himself to it than to foots of beds and meals served on plates. However, Cuff rose to the emergency and bore himself with credit. Twice Cameron came to the hotel; twice he took Joan for a drive "It will help you get on your feet," he explained.

"Anyhow," she said, with a little shake, "I isn't going to be fwightened. Let's sit close together, and let's think." "Why can't we open that door and go out?" said Orion. "Why should we stay in this horrid room?" "'Cos our foots is bare," said Diana. "But don't let's mind that," said Orion; "let's go to the door and open it, and let's run back to Rectory.

"I wish you wouldn't always look on the worst side of everything." "That's what your Uncle Josiah allus does with the sugar, Mas' Don. If the foots was werry treacley when he had a hogshead turned up to look at the bottom first, he allus used to say as all the rest was poor quality." "We're not dealing with sugar now." "No, Mas' Don; this here arn't half so sweet. I wish it was."

My moder was eighty-two, an' my gran'moder was ninety-siven, an' my great-gran'moder was a hun'r'd an' sixteen, an' dey was all alive togidder, an' at fuss you couldn' tell which was de oldest. Dey run neck an' neck for a long time, but arter de great-gran' one pass de hunr' milestone oh! she hoed ahead like a rattlesnake. De wrinkles an' de crows' foots, an' de de colour jes' like bu'nt leather!

Den arter dey fix on de man, dey run at him and kick him, as you hab seen dem do, and spit on him, and trow mud ober him, tellin' him all de time, `You no king yet, you black rascal; you soon be king, and den you may put your foots on our necks and do w'at you like, but not yit; take dat, you tief! An' so dey 'buse him for a littel time.

I admired then, upon a fresh account, and with a nicer survey, the texture of that capital part of man: the flaming red head as it stood uncapt, the whiteness of the shaft, and the shrub growth of curling hair that embrowned the foots of it, the roundish bag that dangled down from it, all exacted my eager attention, and renewed my flame.

It's 'Doctor Dick this, and 'Doctor Dick that' oh, yes, you see, I know their name for you, these slum patients of yours! but it's Doctor Dick's wife who really foots the bills by going without what she needs!" "Minnie, be quiet!" Selwyn broke in sternly. "Remember Miss Tennant is present."

Fox then, 'I'm so fat I must go sleep now. So he'll go off in woods a little way an' he'll lie down, an' he'll go to sleep. "Bimeby Wiesacajac he'll look at the sun an' the wind plenty long, an' he'll got more hongree. So he'll come back to camp an' look for his goose. He'll take hol' of those foots that stick up there, an' pull them up, but the foots come loose!