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Always add an exact reference to the source title, name of author, and, in case of a book, place and date of publication, so that if you want more material you can find it without loss of time, and, what is more important, so that you can fortify your use of it by a reference in a footnote.

[Footnote 45: “Briefe an Joh. Heinrich Merck von Göthe, Herder, Wieland und andern bedeutenden Zeitgenossen,” edited by Dr. Karl Wagner, Darmstadt, 1835, p.

Beware of the gilt edged footnote, or the art that depends upon it. A writer of ordinary imagination and fluent English can put an aureole about any work of art he desires and much reputation is secured on this wise. In the presentation of a subject through given pictorial elements, the critic will know whether the most has been made of the opportunity.

[Footnote 16: I insert at length amongst the "Historic Documents" the correspondence interchanged on this occasion between M. de Serre, M.

A body of troops and militia was encamped opposite that town, ready to march towards either quarter, as need might be, while the abundant crops of the neighboring parishes were harvested by armed bands, ready at a word to drop the sickle for the gun. [Footnote 745: Bourlamaque

He sobbed, and could not say a single word. At the end of a quarter of an hour, during which Lucien with great difficulty recovered his self-command, the clerk laid before him the copy of the letter and begged him to sign a footnote certifying that the copy was faithful to the original, and might be used in its stead "on all occasions in the course of this preliminary inquiry," giving him the option of comparing the two; but Lucien, of course, took Coquart's word for its accuracy.

Commenting himself upon this statement, he adds in a footnote: "I say 'have to. For only when the means of production and distribution have actually outgrown the form of management by joint-stock companies, and when, therefore, the taking them over by the State has become economically inevitable, only then even if it is the State of to-day that effects this is there an economic advance, the attainment of another step preliminary to the taking over of all productive forces by society itself."

But it differs from the cholera, and so far is a more formidable malady, in being hereditary, and in being, under some circumstances, contagious as well as infectious. [Footnote 11: Études sur les Maladies actuelles des Vers

At the bottom there was a footnote from Aunt Rachel: "Do you ever see the Queen in London, and the dear Prince and Princess?" She went to service that night at St. Paul's Cathedral. Entering by the west door, a verger in a black cloak directed her to a seat in the nave. The great place was dark and chill and half empty.

[Footnote 25: Leipzig, 1801, 8vo, I, 168; II, 170.