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Do tell me that there is hope! And yet it is foolish of me to ask, for, of course, you are only a subordinate at the War Office, and how should you know what is in the mind of your chiefs?" "Well, as it happens, I know a good deal," I answered. "Don't fret, for we shall certainly get a move on soon." "Soon! Next year may seem soon to some people." "It's not next year."

His hope is but a foolish one; for what can be more foolish than to regard uncertainties as certainties, delusions as truths? An old man indeed has nothing to hope for; yet he is in so much the happier state than a young one; since he has already attained what the other is only hoping for. The one is wishing to live long, the other has lived long.

"When may I expect an answer, Phyllis?" he said at length. "You know why my question has been so long delayed. I shall not attempt to excuse myself. I have been very, very foolish. But to-day I am very, very wise. May I also be very, very happy?" He had taken her hands in his, and as she did not resist he drew her gently to him. "Little Willie christened me The Man-on-the-Hill," he whispered.

"It IS a foolish form of speech, no doubt," returned Bascombe, a little disconcerted, as was natural. " But to be serious, Helen, I do love you." "How long will you love me if I tell you I don't love you?" "Really, Helen, I don't see how to answer such a question. I don't understand you at all to-day! Have I offended you?

Anna thinks no more of her solemn promise, and the first school-mate she meets, she opens the secret, with a solemn injunction for her not to tell. By and by the secret is all out among the girls the promises are all broken. Now, children, remember your word keep it true, and never make a promise which you do not intend to keep, and always avoid telling foolish secrets.

I here relinquish all claim to both pieces; they are yours to do with as you like. Take them, rewrite them, play them, or burn them, as you will. "You see, I am very, very humble. I have put my foolish pride underfoot. I am not broken. I am still very proud and, I fear, self-conceited, in spite of my severe lesson.

"And you promise me not to mind that foolish boy? For, after all, you know, it was mere flirtation, if even that." "I'll never think of him again," said I, while my brain was burning to make out her meaning. "But, dearest, there goes the trumpet-call " "And, as for Pedro Mascarenhas, I never liked him." "Are you quite sure, Inez?" "I swear it! so no more of him.

A sudden flush came to the girl's face, and she shook her head. "It's foolish of me to sit here and tell you all this. But you see that was why we wanted so much to find out about you when you came. And it gives me a sort of feeling of our having known each other a long time." "You appear to have a very constant flow of high spirits, Froken Uthoug!" "I? Why do you think ? Oh, well, yes.

Heaven help the man whom fate in the shape of foolish friends, or parents, or mistaken church-officials has sentenced to hard labour in the pulpit; who is condemned to preach without possession of that love of preaching which makes for him in whose heart it dwells the business of declaring the Gospel the noblest and most rapturous occupation in all the great, wide world!

Nobody ought to know that betther than yourself, for, by all accounts, you're tarred wid the same stick." "Foolish woman," replied Mrs. Lindsay, "how is it in your power to prevent me?" "No matther," replied the woman; "go an; but mark my words, you'll have your journey for nuttin', whatever it is.