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"And no wonder," exclaims Cato the younger, "for the foolish fondness of man teaches her discourtesy."

I remembered that for a ranger to be lost in the forest was an every-day affair, and the sooner I began that part of my education the better. Then it came to me how foolish I had been to get alarmed, when I knew that the general slope of the forest led down to the open country. This put an entirely different light upon the matter.

For somewhere at the back of his mind there ran an undercurrent of thought, or as of some one talking, to the effect that the Pope's old method of remaining as a prisoner in the Vatican was a foolish and unhumble pose.

"Yes, Rosie, when you go and keep house for papa on the top of the Oural Mountains, or wherever it may be, you are to remember that if Aunt Ermine had not been in a foolish, inattentive mood, and had taken his dangerous goods out of the way, she might have been trotting to church now like other people.

"The young woman of whom he inquired was close at hand when I discovered the body of the man," I said. "She told me about him. I was a little upset, and I suggested that there was no necessity for her to disclose the fact of having seen him." "It was a remarkably foolish thing of you to do," the Duke said. "I am realizing it now, sir," I answered.

In fact I've been wondering uneasily during the last few days whether, owing to his being an artist, and to his having lived so much abroad, John Dampier could have been foolish enough to suppose that in the case of his disappearance the insurance money would be paid over to Mrs. Dampier.

If she wants anything it's to him she has to look for it, isn't it? That's the law I guess, eh? Always has been, all the world over. Then what's all this hustling about?" My mother made a feeble effort to answer him. "I was only saying, Daniel . . ." "You were saying something foolish and stupid. I reckon a man can do what he likes with his own, can't he?

And Sylvia rose and went into the farther room, and put her arms round her mother's neck. "Mother darling," she said, in a half whisper, "it's really all your fault for writing such very long letters, but but we don't exactly know how we came to do it but Horace and I have got engaged somehow. You aren't very angry, are you?" "I think you're both extremely foolish," said Mrs.

"Really, gentlemen," he said at length, "I believe you are right; I have been very foolish, and you very kind; but you would excuse my absurdities if you knew their provocation." "My dear sir," said Naylor, "we are bound to believe that you have good cause enough for what you are doing. We have no wish to interfere impertinently.

Six of my sons have gone, and now to-day it has once more fallen to my lot to provide the tribute; and my boy, my darling, my youngest, must meet the fate of his brothers. Therefore I weep! Then Rasalu was moved to pity, and said 'Fond, foolish mother! cease these tears Keep thou thy son. I fear nor death nor life, Seeking my fortune everywhere in strife.