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"I do not ask you, now, to say that you love me," said the young man. "You are young and do not know your own heart." She rose on tiptoe and fondly touched his cheek with her fingers. "But I do love you," she whispered. "I thank God you have told me, but I shall ask you for no promise. A year from now, then, dear, I shall ask you to promise that you will be my wife sometime."

Of these not the least fondly remembered by her descendants were those of the gallant matron who pursued the most obnoxious farmer in the district even to his very porch with heavy stones and opprobrious epithets. Once when he thought he had left her far behind did he alight to draw breath and take a pinch of snuff, and she was upon him like a flail.

Her eye and thoughts, as she sat there in the dusky twilight, fell upon the hand of her grandfather which still fondly held one of her own; and fancy travelled fast and far, from what it was to what it had been.

We talk, for instance, of poetry for poets, and we fondly imagine that this is different from talking of cookery for cooks. Poetry is not made for poets; they have enough poetry of their own, but it is made for people who are not poets. If it does not please these, it may still be poetry, but it is poetry which has failed of its truest office.

The events of the November election exposed the designs of the pro-slavery conspiracy, and no course was left him but to become either its ally or its enemy. In behalf of justice, as well as to preserve what he still fondly cherished as a vital party principle, he determined by every means in his power to secure a fair election.

"I have a goat for him to ride, Observe me cast it far and wide." She then flung her arms about as if she were sowing seed, and turned round three times. Next Tony said, "If P. doth find it waiting here, Wilt ne'er again make me to fear?" And Maimie answered, "By dark or light I fondly swear Never to see goats anywhere."

'That's all you know about it, returned Jonas, seating himself with a melancholy air. 'He never was better than he is now. How are they all at home? How's Charity? 'Blooming, Mr Jonas, blooming. 'And the other one; how's she? 'Volatile trifler! said Mr Pecksniff, fondly musing. 'She is well, she is well.

Much did I wonder that so good a knight as Brian de Bois-Guilbert seemed so fondly besotted on the charms of this female, whom I received into this house merely to place a bar betwixt their growing intimacy, which else might have been cemented at the expense of the fall of our valiant and religious brother."

His strenuous interest in life kept him alive to all the things of it, after so many of his friends were dead. The questions which he was wont to deal with so fondly, so wisely, the great problems of the soul, were all the more vital, perhaps, because the personal concern in them was increased by the translation to some other being of the men who had so often tried with him to fathom them here.

No name was in 1689 cited by the Jacobites so proudly and fondly as that of Sherlock. Before the end of 1690 that name excited very different feelings. A few other nonjurors ought to be particularly noticed. High among them in rank was George Hickes, Dean of Worcester.