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I thought the few white folks in this country kept tab on anything as important as a new railroad." "We've heard a lot, but none of 'em has transpired yet; not in my time, anyway," Bill replied dryly. "However, the world keeps right on moving. I've heard more or less talk of this, but I didn't know it had got past the talking stage. What's their Pacific terminal?"

"Why, of course; but this is the most wonderful of all! I never knew of it myself until to-day. Big Ingmar had a good friend who has always lived in a little cabin on his estate," the pastor continued. "Yes, I know," said the schoolmaster. "He is also named Ingmar; folks call him Strong Ingmar by way of distinction."

But I think I gave the old folks a good time and that they missed nothing in my manner. And, indeed, I think that they missed nothing in Rosalie's. They had the gentle complacency of the aged who bask in their own content. It was toward the end of dinner that I caught a look in Rosalie's eyes which almost made my heart stop beating. I had not seen it since Perry's death.

"I feel the wind on my back, and I've got a bad pain enough in it now." Mrs. Barnard stepped in, and shut the door quickly, in an alarmed way. "Ain't you feelin' well this mornin', Sylvy?" said she. "Oh yes, I'm feelin' well enough. It ain't any matter how I feel, but it's a good deal how some other folks do."

My folks must have been rich, oh, rich into the millions coffee, I guess and there was a large house, but I can only remember the plate. Oh, that service of plate! It was wonderful. There were more than a hundred pieces, and every one of them gold. You should have seen the sight when the leather trunk was opened. It fair dazzled your eyes.

Still, now it's too late, I feel ashamed that I never tried to patch up the quarrel. Poor old Anthony!" Halliday smiled. "You are a better fellow than you often lead folks to suppose, Geoffrey and I quite believe you. Such regrets are, however, generally useless, are they not? In this case especially so, for Anthony Thurston forgot the quarrel before he died, and sent you his very good wishes.

There's only a few of us good folks left, as the feller said, and I'd hate to see you leave, that's all." "I am not anxious to go, myself. My present position gives me a good deal of leisure time for experimental work and well, I'll tell you in confidence there's a possibility of my becoming superintendent one of these days, if I wish to." "Sho! you don't say! Mr. Langley goin' to quit?"

I certainly sha'n't go in at the back door as a servant and I've thought it all out now I see it plain our people make a great mistake when they hang around the side doors of white folks. There's no way but " "Don't say it, honey!" gasped the mother "Wait a minute." This was the end, and she could not quite face it. She was to lose her youngest and dearest.

Other people were thinking about it, however. Mrs. Downs talked the matter over with her husband, and told Mr. Joyce that "He" was willing she should take Eyebright, provided her folks, if she had any, would consent to have her "bound" to them till she was of age.

"It will owe none of its brightness to me," said Miss Bethia, with sudden humility. "And I don't suppose I shall begrudge the brightness of other folks' crowns when I get there, if I ever do." In the pause that followed, David went and laid the baby in her cot, and when he returned the children came with him, and the talk went on.