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'Ah, Beaujeu, mon cher ami, said he, as he returned to his usual place in the line of march, 'que mon metier de prince errant est ennuyant, par fois. Mais, courage! c'est le grand jeu, apres tout.

I have seen him myself," was his only comment; and to all questionings but one reply was vouchsafed: "Deux fois je l'ai vu; mille fois je l'ai senti." He would tell them nothing of the provenance of the book, nor any details of his experiences. "I shall soon sleep, and my rest will be sweet. We shall never know what he or Canon Alberic de Mauléon suffered.

And yet she's the most simple-minded and genuine person, and would rather have beefsteak and friendship than paté de fois gras and good gowns any day." "Poor things!" said Dick again. "I think they are out on the terrace now. Would you like to go over and see them?" Madeline asked. "No, thank you," said Dick politely. "We won't make their life any more complicated.

" Il y avait, une fois ici un individu connu sous le nom de Jim Smiley: c'etait dans l'hiver de 49, peut-etre bien au printemps de 50, je ne me reappelle pas exactement.

'Madame, quand une fois j'embrasse un parti, je suis capable des plus grandes sacrifices pour le soutenir. The object of that heroic constancy was the Maréchale de Villars, one of the loveliest women in France. It was the sublime of fatuity was it not?"

Ce fut dans cette plaine que je descendis pour me reposer et diner; car j'avois apporté des poulets crus et du vin. Mes guides me conduisirent dans une maison dont le maître, quand il vit mon vin, me prit pour un homme de distinction et m'accueillit bien. Il m'apporta une écuelle de lait, une de miel, et une branche chargée de dattes nouvelles. C'étoit la première fois de ma vie que j'en voyois. Je vis encore comment on travailloit le coton, et pour ce travail les ouvriers étoient des hommes et des femmes. Mais l

And by-and-by dere come to Mathurin a letter voila, dat is a letter! It have one, two, three, twenty seals; and de King he say to Mathurin: 'Merci mille fois, m'sieu'; you are ver' polite. I tank you. I will keep your verses to tell me dat my French subjects are all loyal like M. Mathurin. Dat is ver' nice, but Mathurin is not proud non. He write six verses for my granmudder hein?

I was present at a scene of this kind in the refreshment-room at Bath, and heard reiterated on all sides, 'Ah! madame, la dernière fois toujours la meilleure! Thus is poor Mme.

Apres le roman pittoresque mais prosaique de Walter Scott il lestera un autre roman a creer, plus beau et plus complet encore selon nous. C'est le roman, a la fois drame et epopee, pittoresque mais poetique, reel mais ideal, vrai mais grand, qui enchassera Walter Scott dans Homere. Victor Hugo on QUENTIN DURWARD.

A half-grown moon lighted the feast for them, for Patsy took an occasional mouthful at the tinker's insistence that dining alone was a miserably unsociable affair. "To watch ye eat that pâté de fois gras a body would think ye had been reared on them. Honest, now, have ye ever tasted one before in your life?" "I have." "Then ye have sat at rich men's tables?"