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They sent for her to Heilbrunn yesterday, where she was with the reserve battalions. Ma foi! you don't think our fellows would do without Minette at the ambulance, where there was a battle to be fought. They say they'd hard work enough to make her come up. After all, she's a strange girl; that she is." "How was that? Has she taken offence with the Fourth?"

"Ma foi, my good Crillon," said the king, "watch as you please over my safety, but do not force me to play the king. I am quite joyful and gay this morning, and feel as if I weighed but an ounce, and could fly away. I am hungry, Crillon; do you understand that, my friend?" "I understand it very well, sire, for I am very hungry myself."

Too well haf I learned how difficile it ees to get anyzing from zeese barbarians." "They are hard, madame," explained Janice, "because they deem us foes." "But women cannot be zare enemies, and yet ze women ze worst are. Ma foi! Weez ze army I kept through ze wilderness, ze bois, from Canada, and not one unkind or insult did I receef, till I came to where zere were zose of my own sex.

The movement was so rapid that the ambassador could not prevent it, and the paper was in Dubois's hands. "'Peste! said the prince, seeing Dubois shaking his fingers, 'I knew that the regent had skillful spies, but I did not know that they were brave enough to go in the fire. "'Ma foi! prince, said Dubois, unfolding the paper, 'they are well rewarded for their bravery, see.

"Well, you see, Madame, I came to ask you to sell me your group, After the Tempest." I began to laugh. "Ma foi, Monsieur, I am treating for that with the firm of Susse, and they offer me 6000 francs. If you will give ten you may have it." "All right," he said. "Here are 10,000 francs. Have you pen and ink?" "No." "Ah," said he, "allow me!"

As he reached the summit of a slight incline he turned and looked toward the road that leads from Breschau to Vienna. A cloud of dust showed where the carriage had disappeared. "Ma foi!" said his Highness; "my wife has very fully proven her executive ability. Beyond doubt, there is no person in Europe better qualified to rule Noumaria as Regent." As Played at Ingilby, October 6, 1755

Nonsense; I tell you it is an informal affair, and it is quite time you were presented to the Countess." "I'd feel like a fish out of water," I protested. "I'm not used to smart society." "Smart! Ma foi, there is not much smartness about us in this deadly hole! But have it your own way. You are as austere as our Grand Duke himself; though you have not his excuse!" he retorted, laughing.

A person who acquired, by purchase or otherwise, the lands of a censitaire, or vassal, was held to perform foi et hommage for the lands so acquired, and to acquit all other feudal dues owing by the original holder to his seigneur.

"Twice out of three times, with the right hand. Ma foi! I remember it well! I offered the master twenty guineas, Monsieur, if he would teach it me. But because" he held out his palms pathetically "I was right-handed, he would not." "I am fortunate," Colonel John answered, bowing, and regarding his opponent with kind eyes, "in being able to requite your good nature.

It was now that Madame Duval first perceived Sir Clement; to whom, turning with a look of great displeasure, she angrily said, "Ma foi, so you are comed here, of all the people in the world!-I wonder, child, you would let such a-such a person as that keep company with you."