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If a man insisted on using a flying-machine before the principle was fully mastered and applied if it could be mastered and applied it must not be surprising if he was killed. Amateurs sometimes took preposterous risks without the advice of the experts.

If the master was but a fresh example of the disasters that wait upon every new trial of the flying-machine, what could be expected of the disciple who had not even the secret of the mechanic wings, and who stuck solidly to the earth while with perfect good faith he went through all the motions of soaring?

The consultation was broken off at this juncture by a faint summons from Cooper Edgecombe, and Professor Featherwit was only too glad of the excuse, hurrying over to the flying-machine, finding to his great joy that the exile was now far more like his old-time self. Still, great caution was used in revealing all, and it was not until considerably later in the day that Mr.

At the time of the bombardment of New York it is doubtful if the Germans had three hundred airships all together in the world; the score of Asiatic fleets flying east and west and south must have numbered several thousand. Moreover the Asiatics had a real fighting flying-machine, the Niais as they were called, a light but quite efficient weapon, infinitely superior to the German drachenflieger.

The flying-machine was now fairly headed for a strip of shore which offered an excellent opportunity for making a safe landing, and as that accelerated motion did not appear to materially affect the stranger, it took but a few minutes to clear the lake. "Stand ready to let go when we come low enough, please," warned the professor, deftly managing his pet machine for that purpose.

Together they dragged the limp and now swollen Asiatic through the trees, and after a rest or so for he trailed very heavily dumped him into the westward rapid. Bert returned to his expert investigation of the flying-machine at last with aching arms and in a state of gloomy rebellion. "Brasted cheek!" he said. "One'd think I was one of 'is beastly German slaves! "Prancing beggar!"

"Well then," he said, "I've got a nice little flying-machine here. I'll fit it on to one of you, and then you jump out of the attic window. You don't know what it's like to fly." We said we would rather not. "But I insist," said the gentleman. "I have your real interest at heart, my children I can't allow you in your ignorance to reject the chance of a lifetime."

While Edgecombe was kindling a fire in one corner of the cavern, opening a pile of ashes to extract the few carefully cherished coals by means of which the wood was to be fired, uncle and one nephew left the den to look after the flying-machine and contents. Bruno remained behind, in obedience to a hint from the professor, lest the exile should dread desertion, after all.

"Clever!" roared Raby; "what does a gentleman want with cleverness?" Young Little was clever. At seven he had constructed a telescope; at nine, a flying-machine. At ten he saved a valuable life. Norwood Park was the adjacent estate, a lordly domain dotted with red deer and black trunks, but scrupulously kept with graveled roads as hard and blue as steel.

An exquisite community of spirit grows up between machine and pilot; each, as it were, merges into the vitals of the other. The levers and controls are the nervous system of the airplane, through which the will of the aviator may be expressed expressed in an infinitely fine degree. Indeed, a flying-machine is something entirely apart from and above all other contrivances of man's ingenuity.