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One who knows her well old Sir Chris Crowell says she hath never fallen in a swoon before since she was born. Gad! 'twas a strange sight 'twas so sudden." He had just finished speaking, and was filling his glass again, when a man strode into the room in such haste that all turned to glance at him. He was in riding-dress, and was flushed and excited, and smiling as if to himself.

Irving get the breakfast to the accompaniment of continual good-natured scolding from that flushed and perspiring lady. It was Amy's day to get the breakfast, but, as usual, she was late in getting down. "You make a good deal more trouble than you mend," Mrs.

Frank felt a sensation of indignation at being spoken to thus rudely, and in his heart he believed that if he was indeed fit for nothing, his sad condition was due much more to his uncle's neglect than to his own perversity. He did not, however, give utterance to the thought, because he was of a respectful nature; he merely flushed and said, "Really, uncle, you do me injustice.

"And they can never say," added Arthur, "that you were afraid of any man on earth, or that you ever hurt the helpless, or ever deserted a friend or a soul that was in need." The Senator flushed at the unexpected praise and the sincerity of the tone.

He turned and kissed Saffy, but still said nothing. Hester's face flushed a "celestial rosy red." Her first thought was of the lovely things of the country and the joy of them. Like Moses on mount Pisgah, she looked back on the desert of a London winter, and forth from the heart of a blustering spring into a land of promise.

The old lady sat gazing on her full half a minute. The girl flushed crimson under the steady look of those brown eyes, turned around and gave her hat a toss to Judson, who let it fall in her astonishment at the audacious act, and came forward, half-indignant, half-crying. "Grandmother!" As that fresh, young voice fell upon her, the old countess reached forth her hand. "My child!"

And Comet and Peerless II were speeding away across that field, and behind them came handlers and judges and spectators, all mounted. It was a race people still talk about, and for a reason, for strange things happened that day. At first there was nothing unusual. It was like any other field trial. Comet found birds and Swygert, his handler, flushed them and shot. Comet remained steady.

Our driver did not imagine our inexhaustible benovelence; he drove on, and before we could bring him to a halt the Sisters of Charity ran us down, their black robes flying abroad and their sweet faces flushed with the pursuit.

"Where are you going?" asked one of the girls. "I'm going to work." "To work! why, we've struck!" "I haven't," said Em soberly. "I'm willing to work for a dollar a day." There was a little cry of dismay from the girls; Steve Elliott's tanned face flushed a coppery red. "You ain't goin' back on us, Em?" he said angrily.

It was impossible not to feel emotion. The face of the most solemn Presbyterian of them all flushed and his eyes glowed. Now the band, that wonderful band of the Acadians, was playing the tune, and the mighty chorus rolled and swelled across the fields. Harry's heart throbbed hard. He was with the South, his own South, and he was swayed wholly by feeling. The Acadians were leading the army.