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She looked at him, and smiled a smile full of courage and friendliness and something more, a smile for which he considered that his impending hanging was but a little price to pay. Then she turned again to that court, into which her words had flung a sudden consternation. "Since he disdains to deny the accusation, I must deny it for him," she informed them.

"And is the house among the reeds still secure?" he half-crooned to it. "And is the missus quite well, and are the neighbors flourishing? There, dear, home with you," and he flung it into the air. "That bird's very tame," said Darcy, slightly bewildered. "It is rather," said Frank, following its flight.

Throughout the city that night for the slaans to hear whether they would or no the broadcast stations flung their stentorian tones to the people; a speech by Maida; her promise of better things to come for the slaans; the end of Tarrano's brief rule; a reorganization of past conditions. Maida herself had never been in control in the Central State.

What would the girl do? Lansing could not guess; yet he dimly felt that her attitude would depend in a great degree upon his own. And he knew no more what his own was going to be than on the night, four months earlier, when he had flung out of his wife's room in Venice to take the midnight express for Genoa.

The Major was caught, so to speak, full in the wind. His face twitched with anger. Then he flung an oath at Frank. "If I catch you at it again," he said, "there'll be trouble. God damn you!" "That is as it may be," said Frank. The Major had had just one drink too much, and he was in the kind of expansive mood that changes very rapidly.

She cried out, and clutched at some wooden railings along the road for support, as the lump of "dirt" from the bank which had been flung at her dropped beside her. "Letty, is that you?" shouted a voice from the direction of the village her husband's voice. She heard running. In a few seconds George had reached her and was holding her. "What is it struck you? I see! Cowards! damned cowards!

The pressing question is, what shall we do now?" David got up, thought for a while, and suddenly flung his arms wide. "Oh, Phoenix," he cried, "it's such a beautiful day, I wish it could go on forever! Couldn't we go somewhere somewhere where we oh, I don't know. I can't explain it. Anywhere you say, Phoenix." The Phoenix looked at him for a long time. "I think I understand, my boy.

Conan, a rich burgess of Rouen, had entered into a conspiracy to deliver that city to William; but Henry, on the detection of his guilt, carried the traitor up to a high tower, and with his own hands flung him from the battlements.

When she saw him move and found he was not dead, she whirled about, and, with a shriek, made for Jack Carleton, who dreaded just such an attack; but Ogallah seized her arm ere she reached the frightened youth, and flung her back with a violence and a threat which stopped her from repeating the attack.

Dare ordered the dog-cart to remain at the door, flung down his hat on the hall-table, and, turning to the servant who was busying himself in folding his coat, said, sharply, "Where is the the person who arrived here yesterday?" The man replied that "she" was in the drawing-room. The drawing-room opened into the hall. Dare led the way, suppressed fury in his face, looking back to see whether Mr.