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Old Flores fed The Spider's horse, meanwhile wondering what had drawn the chief from the security of his web. He concluded that The Spider was fleeing from some danger -the law, perhaps, or from some ancient grudge that had at last found him out to harry him into the desert, a hunted man and desperate.

"Ah! there was no one!" replied the Sergeant, shrugging his shoulders "really no one, and us, too, our arms crossed! Nothing to do!" "But why?" "War." "War?" "Yes, civil war between the Paraguayans and Buenos Ayriens," replied the Sergeant. "Well?" "Well, Indians all in the north, in the rear of General Flores. Indian pillagers find pillage there." "But where are the Caciques?"

And he did not much wonder that the Morisco-Hispano-Mexican feared these Anglo-Americans, and suspected them of an intention to add Texan to their names. His inclination to remain in San Antonio was settled by his marriage. Dona Maria Flores, though connected with the great Mexican families of Yturbide and Landesa, owned much property in San Antonio.

The claim was made near a century later by Livio Sanuto in his Geographia, published at Venice, in 1588, that Sebastian Cabot had been the first to observe this variation, and had explained it to Edward VI., and that he had on a chart placed the line of no variation at a point one hundred and ten miles west of the island of Flores in the Azores.

After supper the men sat out beneath the vine-covered portal Malvey and Flores with a wicker-covered demijohn of wine between them and Pete lounging on the doorstep, smoking and gazing across the cañon at the faint stars of an early evening. With the wine, old Flores's manner changed from surly indifference to a superficial politeness which in no way deceived Pete.

She is so kind, so unselfish. All the men adore her." "So I hear," murmured Carmela, trying to still the passion that throbbed in her heart, since she was aware that neither Maria nor any other among the old domestics at Las Flores knew of her engagement, and pride was now coming to her aid. "She will have no word to say to any of them," gabbled Maria.

She could wait and let the evil news find her, and by so doing she won many a bright hour from the advancing shadows. The Senora was in unusual spirits. She had obtained a new confessor. "A man of the most seraphic mind, and, moreover, so fortunate as to be connected with the house of Flores."

At last they came to the crest of the barrier of the blistering hills, having been on foot for a full five hours. And now, for the first time, looking forward, down the steep slopes and across the miles, they saw the Valley of Las Flores, the place of flowers. At first it was hard for them to believe that their eyes, which the desert lands befool so often and so readily, had not tricked them.

For the same reason as that suggested by Calmet, Columella calls the mandrake semihomo: "Quamvis semihominis vesano gramine fœta Mandragoræ pariat flores." "Let it not vex thee if thy teeming field The half-man Mandrake's madd'ning seed should yield;"

The rest which were taken vp by the other ship boats, we set all on shore in the Ile of Flores, except some two or three Negros, whereof one was borne in Moçambique, and another in the East Indies. This fight was open off the Sound between Faial and Pico 6 leagues to the Southward.