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My scheme is only a reproduction of Samson's foxes, as related in the Bible. But Samson was an incendiary, and therefore no philanthropist; while we, like the Brahmins, are the protectors of a persecuted race. Mademoiselle Flore Brazier has already set all her mouse-traps, and Kouski, my right-arm, is hunting field-mice. I have spoken."

From 1800 to 1805, that is, for five years, the doctor enjoyed all the pleasures of educating Flore without the annoyances which the ambitions and pretensions of Mademoiselle de Romans inflicted, it is said, on Louis le Bien-Aime.

"What a vagabond!" exclaimed Flore, questioning Max with a glance of her eye. "Yes; unfortunately there were men like him in the armies of the Emperor; I sent seven to the shades at Cabrera," answered Gilet. "I do hope, Max, that you won't pick a quarrel with that fellow," said Mademoiselle Brazier. "He smelt so of tobacco," complained the old man.

You ought to answer that you know it; that your father told you on his deathbed to take care of his poor Max. That will stop people's tongues; for every stone in Issoudun can tell you he paid Max's schooling and so! Here's nine years that I have eaten your bread " "Flore, Flore!" " and many a one in this town has paid court to me, I can tell you!

Neither Flore, nor Rouget, nor Max, nor indeed any one in Issoudun knew the value of the pictures, and the crafty Max thought he had bought Flore's triumph for a song, as she paraded triumphantly before the eyes of the astonished town, leaning on the arm of her master's nephew, and evidently on the best of terms with him.

From the Pavilion de Flore to the Pavilion de Lesdiguières ran this long gallery of the Ducerceau and numerous interstices and unfinished vaults and arches leading towards the Old Louvre were, at this epoch, completed by Metezeau and Dupaira. The chief apartment of this structure became known as the Galerie Henri IV, and was completed in 1608.

In front, however, the Pavillon de Flore lost its dreamy aspect, and became solidified in the final sun blaze.

"Are you the master here?" said Flore sarcastically. "With your permission," replied Philippe, squeezing her hand as if in a vice. "Come! we must have an understanding, you and I"; and he led the bewildered woman out into the place Saint-Jean.

If I am able to throw three hundred francs a month to the dogs, and treat you to suppers, as I do to-night, and lend money to all of you, you think I get the gold out of Mademoiselle Flore Brazier's purse? "Yes, ten thousand times yes! Yes, Mademoiselle Brazier is aiming straight for the old man's property." "She gets it from father to son," observed Goddet, in his corner.

"You think that Flore, the Rabouilleuse, La Brazier, the housekeeper of Pere Rouget, for they call him so, that old bachelor, who can never have any children! you think, I say, that that woman supplies all my wants ever since I came back to Issoudun.