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This, however, proved to be rather an advantage, for, by affording frequent relief to each rower, it saved the strength of all, and at the same time enabled them to relieve the tedium of the journey to poor Flora.

"I have the pleasure to say we are coming along as usual," replied the doctor, who seemed to have lost his power of standing up straight; "My sister Flora enjoys but poor health lately, they are all holding their heads up at your house. Mr. Rossitur has come home." "Uncle Rolf! Has he!" exclaimed Fleda, the colour of joy quite supplanting the other. "O I'm very glad!"

In a very few minutes she returned to her basket of work, and her nimble fingers were as nimble as ever. Quietly pursuing her task, she asked Flora if Mr Clennam had told her where she lived?

The flush of haste had subsided in his face, and when the four regrouped themselves in the high, darkly-paneled room, among the low lights, Flora remarked his extraordinary composure. Bitter he might be; but all the nervousness, suspicion, uneasiness, that he had shown of late had vanished.

The children stood in a long line, and the baskets were unpacked. Flora and Ethel called the names, Mary and Blanche gave the presents, and assuredly the grins, courtesies, and pulls of the forelock they elicited, could not have been more hearty for any of Miss Rivers's treasures.

The women had no burdens, and could easily keep pace with us. "Have you passed this way before?" asked Gummidge. "Only once," I replied, "and that was some years ago." "The place reminds me of the enchanted forests one reads of in old fairy tales," said Mrs. Gummidge. "I wish we were out of it," exclaimed Flora. "It has a sad and depressing influence on me."

"She was stifling a laugh all the time, like a rude schoolboy. And I thought papa said she was pretty!" "Ay? Did you think her so?" asked Harry. "A great broad red face and so awkward!" cried Flora indignantly. "If one could have seen her face, I think she might have been nice-looking," said Margaret. "She had pretty golden curls, and merry blue eyes, rather like Harry's."

No man would. It must have been a real hell to him. And then Anthony, at the end of the day in which he had gone through a marriage ceremony with Flora de Barral, ceased to think of Flora's father except, as in some sort, the captive of his triumph.

And now the Flora ran away from the catamaran at such a rate that she had reached her anchorage and was just rounding into the wind to bring up when the other craft passed through the channel and entered the lagoon.

She was a girl of thought and of ideas, but unfortunately she was a great heiress, and fortune-hunters had made her suspicious and cynical. Only Aubrey and I knew how glorious she could be when she let herself out and expressed her real self. The first thing Flora did to make me uncomfortable was to pump the Angel about Artie's law-suit.