United States or Guadeloupe ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

But now suppose that I, carrying Manderson's clothes and shoes, had opened that door again and gone in my shirt-sleeves and socks to enter one of the empty rooms. The moonlight was flooding the corridor through the end-window. Even if my face were concealed, nobody could mistake my standing figure for Manderson's. Martin might be going about the house in his silent way.

He is reported moreover to have said, that they expected to accomplish this, by flooding our country with their vicious refuse pauper population, and by agitating the subject of slavery among us. Unfortunately for us, England in her nefarious designs upon our country, has always found too many allies, aiders and abettors, in our midst. I will not say, that Mrs.

The current at this point is as usual very strong, being upwards of two and a half miles per hour; the river is quite bank-full although not actually flooding, the windings endless; one moment our course is due north, then east, then again north, and as suddenly due south; in fact, we face every point of the compass within an hour.

A shout of triumph announced that the gates, like a broken dam, had given way, and the torrent poured in between the posts, flooding the yard, pressing up the towered stairways and spreading through the compartments of the mill. More ominous than the tumult seemed the comparative silence that followed this absorption of the angry spirits of the mob.

Laughing boisterously, and mingling all their voices together in unceremonious talk, they now burst into the moonshine and narrow streaks of firelight that illuminated the open space before the lime-kiln. Bartram set the door ajar again, flooding the spot with light, that the whole company might get a fair view of Ethan Brand, and he of them.

Instantly a bright light, which had been kept in confinement, escaped, flooding the world with daylight for the first time. The people in their amazement threw up their hands and cried "couru," which has ever since remained the name for daylight.

If only you had told me, something. I could have gone away, I think before But to have knowledge come like that, engulfing, flooding, drowning with its terrible bitterness. And Marcia " He raised his head piteously, "I asked her to marry me, Roger at once. But she only looked at me with strange eyes. "'Marriage! she said, 'My God! It was almost as though I had uttered a sacrilege.

And then that strange fire died out of his eyes, and his hands relaxed their grasp, and with the light of love shining out from his face he said, 'Praise the Lord, and came into the meeting to tell how God was flooding his soul with His love.

McGowan!" exclaimed Elizabeth, the color flooding her already rosy cheeks. "Captain Pott!" cried Miss Splinter. Mr. McGowan said nothing. He folded his hands behind him and looked foolish. "I thought maybe a little company might liven up the trip," observed the seaman, looking like a schoolboy who had sprung a surprise on his teacher. "Ain't you going to welcome 'em?

Can we, that is to say, maintain that God answers prayer, not only by flooding the adoring soul with fresh strength, gladness, confidence, but by bringing to pass events which otherwise would not have come about? This "objective efficacy" of prayer, in the narrower sense, is frequently doubted to-day; but, as we shall attempt to show, upon grounds which, when examined, prove untenable.