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The next few questions passed off without a hitch, but an inquiry concerning the number of animals born on the place during the year was like opening the flood-gates of a dam. If Meacham had been as good a farmer as a yarn-spinner there would have been no question as to his success, for he had some story to tell about every yearling on the place, and they were inimitably told.

She was no longer in Uhrig's Cave, but in the great world, her soul a-quiver with harmonies. "Pinafore," although a comic opera, held something tragic for Honora, and opened the flood-gates to dizzy sensations which she did not understand. How little Peter, who drummed on the table to the tune of: "Give three cheers and one cheer more For the hearty captain of the Pinafore,"

She throws open the flood-gates of her heart as in words recalling Lucretius: Te, dea, te fugiunt venti, te nubila caeli Adventumque tuum, tibi suavis daedala tellus Summittit floras, tibi rident sequora ponti. She tells of the all-ruling, all-subduing might of "Frau Minne."

And the doors having been slammed, the engine gave a loud whistle and began to move, going off slowly and heavily between the throng, which, in the rear of the train, flowed on to the lines again like an invading torrent whose flood-gates have been swept away. "Bar the platform!" shouted the station-master to his men. "Keep watch when the engine comes up!"

It was a moment never to be forgotten inexpressibly bitter, yet mixed with a sensation of pleasure so deeply soothing and affecting, as at once to unlock all the flood-gates of the heart.

Sutherland stood by the window and I knew by the heaving of his angular shoulders that flood-gates of grief had opened. There was silence; but for the hard, sharp, quick, short breathings of the priest. A crested bird hopped to the window-sill with a chirp, then darted off through the quivering air with a glint of sunlight from his flashing wings.

"No; not all of the time." "You say well. There were three of you: a hardened, degraded boy, a woman no less wicked and abandoned, and the devil who tempted you." The flood-gates of passion would hold no longer. "It's a lie!" he denied hotly. "I just happened to meet Nan Bryerson at the spring under the big rock, and " "Well, go on," said the inexorable voice.

The force of experience in any moment if we abstract from represented values is emotional; so that for sublime poetry what is required is to tap some reservoir of feeling. If a phrase opens the flood-gates of emotion, it has made itself most deeply significant. Its discursive range and clearness may not be remarkable; its emotional power will quite suffice.

Oh! but when he shall be taken away! When he shall have finished his mediatory work: then will the flood-gates of heaven be opened, and then will the justice and holiness of God deal with men without stint or diminution, even till it hath filled the vessels of wrath with vengeance till they run over. "It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God." Ver. 12.

Necker conceded too much, and opened the flood-gates of revolution. He had no conception of the storm, which was to overwhelm the throne.