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As has been seen, Loftus would admit of no restrictions with regard to his acquaintances, and after the remarkable fashion of some young men, he tried to secure an interest in the affections of Beatrice by flirting with Matty Bell. Mrs. Bertram knew nothing of these iniquities on the part of her son.

Also, I was moved from one room to another so many times that I got to liking the odor of the pipes the expressmen smoked. I don't think I ever had so dull a time as I did with this lady. There was never anything amusing going on inside she was devoted to her husband, and, besides leaning out the window and flirting with the iceman, she never did a thing toward breaking the monotony.

Now the mocking-bird resumed his splashing; but when thoroughly wet, the thought seemed to strike him that he was not in good fighting trim, and must dry himself as quickly as possible to be ready for war, which he at once did by flirting and shaking himself, bounding from one end to the other of a perch, as though he had suddenly gone mad.

She paused, dimpling mischievously. "Well! that's just as you're made. I guess if I were set on it, I could flirt in a crypt!" Captain Guest could not flatter himself that Cornelia was in anyway "set on" flirting with himself, since nothing could have been further removed from that attitude than her behaviour during the afternoon.

She was humbugging her husband, not me. Fool that I was, I could not mind my own business." So Mrs. Costobell was not flirting with the man who suffered on her account. It is a regrettable but true statement that Iris would willingly have hugged Mrs. Costobell at that moment.

She drew herself away from her escort, blushing, and indignation depicted on every feature, looked the other way, and would not speak to him again during the whole evening. He thought she was flirting with somebody else, and he was mad, and they sat there all the evening looking as though they were married.

"I think," she whispered to me, "it's Mr Ernest you'll have to see doesn't flirt with every girl he comes across." "Perhaps he isn't flirting," I coolly replied. "Not now, perhaps," she said pointedly; "perhaps he's in earnest with one and practises with others." Arrived at the hall, we found the women swarming around Walker like bees. "Good Lord!

But the minute my back is turned you sit there playing with my children " the anger was rising higher and higher now, "and flirting with my husband " The man arose. "Bertha!" he exclaimed. But even above the strident shrill of the scolding and the abrupt command of the man's voice and the frightened wail of the littlest girl, rose the cry of Felicia's own anger.

The flirting of their intelligent fans, the flashing of those quick smiles where eyes, teeth, and lips all did their dazzling duty, and the satin twinkling of those neat boots in the waltz, are harder to forget than things better worth remembering. Since the beginning of the Revolutionary regime there have been serious schisms and heart-burnings in the gay world.

As they turned round the girl called to him, and came at once to meet him; but his jealousy would not be appeased. Her flower-like face, framed, so to speak, by the autumn foliage, only increased his anger. He could not bear to see her flirting. Were she out of his sight, he felt for the first time, he would not care what she did. "You were goin' in without speakin'," she said reproachfully.