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"Why, John, you're like the ram of an iron-clad! Is it really yourself? Give us your flipper, my boy!" But the flipper was already in that of Willie Armstrong, while the others crowded round him with congratulations. "Wot on airth's all the noise about in that there corner?" exclaimed a Jack-tar, who was trying hard to tell an interminable story to a quiet shipmate in spite of the din.

Among the mammalia the fore limbs have become structurally adapted so as to be such diverse organs of locomotion as the stilt-like leg of a horse, the flipper of a seal, the whale's paddle, and the bat's wing, while among the birds the wing may change into a flipper like that of the penguin, or become reduced to a vestige as in Apteryx.

But Eben waved his flipper, scornful. "My forecast this morning," says he, "is cloudy now, but clearing by and by. You trust to me, Mis' Kelly. Weather's my business." "Of COURSE I trust you, Mr. Cobb," she says, "Of course I trust you, but I should hate to spile my gown, that's all." They drove out of the yard, fine as fiddlers, and I watched 'em go.

Timber-toes goes with the Ryle Navy and pensions. They won't do in the marchant sarvice. All right, doctor; I'm game to do just as you tell me, only let me get about a bit. Couldn't you put my leg in a sling?" "Your leg isn't your arm, Neb," I cried, laughing. "Well, sir, who said it were? I knows the diffrens 'tween a fore and a hind flipper." "There, that will do, my man," said the doctor.

The boys removed their snorkel mouthpieces and faced each other upright in the water, holding position with easy flipper movements. "Just pretend we're talking," Scotty said. "Don't look around. I'm trying to spot our friend over your shoulder." After a moment he shook his head. "No sign. Wonder if he ran for a bathing suit?" "Forget him. Let's swim. See any coral heads?"

Then the raucous voice of Mr. Price broke the silence. "Who was you flappin' your flipper at?" inquired Issachar. "Girl, I'll bet you! Never saw such a critter as you be to chase after the girls. Which one is it this time?" Albert made no reply. Between embarrassment and sorrow he was incapable of speech.

Whatever he said, the result was an expression of benignity and condescension on the clown's face as far as paint would allow of such expression. "Glad to meet you, Master Willders," he said. "Proud to know anyone connected with T. Tippet, Esquire, who's a trump. Give us your flipper.

Tom Jerrold and I were in the boatswain's cabin one afternoon teaching the starling to speak a fresh sentence the bird having got quite tame and learnt to talk very well already, saying "Bad cess to ye" and "Tip us yer flipper," just like Tim Rooney, with his brogue and all; when, all at once, we heard some scrambling going on in the long-boat above the deckhouse, and the sound of men's voices whispering together.

Again it tried to get a little farther, seeing that the bird appeared not to heed it at all, but then suddenly the bird turned and bit a hole just above its flipper. And this was very painful, so that the Tupilak floundered about with pain, and floundered about till it came right out into the water.

The archaeologist couldn't have known they were in bed, but his stall had worked. "All right. We'll be going. But keep in mind that the most stupid thing anyone can do is to dive alone, even by day. At night it's worse than stupid. It's sheer insanity. Also, we'll thank you and your party to keep away from us and not gum up our recordings with your flipper noises and bubble sounds."