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On his way he flipped a rosebud covered with blight, kicked off a snail which was crawling on the path; then, halfway down the path, he suddenly raised his head and gave a look at his disturber. His bent brows grew smooth, his eyes round with the stress of surprise. "Is it possible? Monsieur Charnot of the Institute!" "The same, Monsieur Mouillard." "And this is Mademoiselle Jeanne?"

He fed coins into the proper slots, took his sandwich and milk over to a seat in one corner and made himself comfortable. He flipped open the newspaper and looked at the front page. And, for a moment, his brain seemed to freeze. The story itself was straightforward enough: BENCHAIM KIDNAPERS NABBED! STAN MARTIN DOES IT AGAIN!

But there was plenty of mention of Dara, and blueskins, and of the vicious political fight now going on to see which political party could promise the most complete protection against blueskins. After a full hour of it, Calhoun flipped off his receptor and swung the Med Ship to an exact, painstakingly precise aim at the sun around which Dara rolled. He said; "Overdrive coming, Murgatroyd!"

When remarks of this kind were flung at him, the Emperor Johannes thought it high time to lay off his humility. He quickly flipped back his coat, exhibiting a waistcoat covered with large showy "medals" of "silver" and "gold." He usually kept his coat buttoned over these decorations as they were easily tarnished, and crushable.

We don't need to stay to the League meeting unless we choose, though we're members, you know." Marty picked up the card of invitation which J.W. had flipped across the table to him, and read it. "Well," he commented, "it reads all right. Let's try it."

Cleveland asked, as Rodebush flipped off the power and leaped to the control panel. "We could do it in a few seconds if we had to. We used scarcely any power at all coming out, and I'm not using very much going back," the physicist explained rapidly, as he set the dials which would determine their flashing course.

And let me tell you something, Bev, something I heard Aunty Boone say this morning." She said: "Taint goin' to be more 'n a minnit now till them boys grows up an' grows together, same size, same age. They been little and big, long as they goin' to be. Now you know what you're coming to." Mat was digging in the ground with a stick, and she flipped a clod at Beverly with the last words.

A green light above flashed on and off slowly. He stabbed a button and flipped a switch, then got to his feet, picking up his rifle and musette and fumbling under his shirt for a small mesh bag, from which he took an inch-wide disk of blue plastic. Unlocking a container on the instrument panel, he removed a small roll of solidograph-film, which he stowed in his bag.

One slug of port before bedtime was about his limit." Mike frowned. "How does his breath smell to you?" "Not bad. Two or three drinks, maybe." "Mmmm." Mike put the bottle on top of the desk, then walked over to the small case that was standing near one wall. He lifted it and flipped it open. It was the standard medical kit for Space Service physicians.

He didn't say a word, and his fingers barely moved as he held a green line reasonably steady on that screen. Mike the Angel, using unangelic language in a steady, muttering stream, worked to find the circuit that held the secret of the ruinous feedback tendency, while other powermen plugged and unplugged meter jacks, flipped switches, and juggled tools.