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Frayling took a turn about the room with his hands behind his back, holding his riding whip upright, and flicking himself between the shoulders with it as he went. "Let her write to the papers!" he exclaimed, addressing the pictures on the walls as if he were sure of their sympathy. "Let her write to the papers. I don't care what she does. I cast her off forever.

"And you seem more cocksure than ever " "Cocksure is an ugly word, Diana." "So I think I liked you better as you were." "Good!" said I, climbing back into the cart. "It remains for me to make you like me best as I am." "How?" "By marrying you." "But you don't we ain't in love with each other or any such silliness," said she, flicking idly at the hedge with the whip. "I'm not so sure, Diana.

Underneath, in smaller type, that was black as the meaning that it bore for him, were the words: "Sensational Developments Expected." Jack did not dare look again, lest he betray to the shrewd eyes behind the glasses a guilty interest in the article. He took his cigarette from his mouth and moistened his lips, and tried to hide the trembling of his fingers by flicking off the ash.

"Open it, Jack," said Dad, as soon as the waiter had left the room, flicking his napkin viciously over the sideboard which he passed on his way to the door as if he was considerably huffed at not being admitted to our confidence. "Let us hear the news at once, good or bad. Suspense, you know, my boy, is worse than hanging."

Colney could not or would not praise our modern adventurous, experimental, heroic, tramping active, as opposed to yonder pursy passives and negatives; he had occasions for flicking the fellow sharply: and to speak of the Lord as our friend present with us, palpable to Reason, perceptible to natural piety solely through the reason, which justifies punishment; that would have stopped his mouth upon the theme of God-forsaken creatures.

"You seem tongue-tied, Humphry!" he said "Come, sit down! Let us talk this out. Can you not trust me, your father, as a friend?" "I wish I could!" answered the young man, half inaudibly. "And can you not?" "No. You have never loved me!" The King drew his cigar from his mouth, and flicking off a morsel of ash, looked at its end meditatively. "Well no! I cannot say honestly that I have.

Again Sunny realized his helplessness, and, glancing about for further inspiration, caught sight of an inquiring yellow head peering furtively in through the doorway. "Why, ther' he is," he cried, vainly hoping to pacify the child. Then he began at once a clumsy encouragement of the dog. "Here, you yeller feller," he cried, flicking his fingers coaxingly. "Come along! Gee, you're a pretty feller.

"Assuredly!" the Prince answered, flicking the end off his cigar. "It will be a pleasure." They walked on towards their destination in silence. Brott's secretary was in the library with a huge pile of letters and telegrams before him. He welcomed Brott with relief. "We have been sending all over London for you, sir," he said. Brott nodded.

Love alters not with his brief hours and weeks But bears it out even to the edge of doom " and looked out of the window. The train was passing through a country of fields and dykes, where the sun, far down in the west, shone almost level over wide, whitish-green space, and the spotted cattle browsed or stood by the ditches, lazily flicking their tufted tails.

He took a long pull at his cigarette, and for a few moments seemed quietly to exude smoke from his eyes, ears, nose, even his finger-ends everywhere, in fact, but his mouth. That and his mustache remained fixed. Then he said slowly, flicking away the ashes with his little finger: "First you understand, friend Pancho, that I make no row. The other themself make the row, the shindig.