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They omit isolated groans. They launch Quixotic sorties. But they retire and collapse without waiting combat. They are left abandoned, the Fiery Cross burning down to their fingers and flickering out. They cannot be glorified into an enemy. On the whole I fear for the result. Ideas favor a bloody battle-ground for birthplace.

Meanwhile the expected storm, though it had been brewing long, showed unmistakable signs that it was not going to keep us waiting very much longer, for the sheet lightning was flickering almost incessantly, while a low, deep muttering of distant thunder occasionally made itself heard.

I am virtually dead now, and when my flickering breath ceases, the change will be slight indeed." "It will be a fatal change for me," he replied, with such calm emphasis that she shuddered. "You ask how you can live. Again I repeat, by complying with the conditions of life. You have been complying with the conditions of death; and I will not yield you to him.

The horseman that precedes, bears on his shoulder what is called a fire pan, full of blazing pine knots, which casts a bright and flickering glare far through the forest. The second follows at some distance, with his rifle prepared for action. No spectacle is more impressive than this of pairs of hunters, thus kindling the forest into a glare.

It's too cold in this climate, and it's too much work. You want to hug the ground if it's dry." The weary youth went to his couch with a sense of timorous elation, for he had never before slept beneath the open sky. Over him the giant fir tall as a steeple dropped protecting shadow, and looking up he could see the firelight flickering on the wide-spread branches.

Upon the hearthstone there shot up a cheerful blaze, for the night was damp and chilly, and the flickering light sent Mistress Penwick's hair first amber, then bronze. Her face was still and white, and her eyes flashed wide and boldly. Her heart beat high and her breath came fast and hard.

Overhead against the trunk of a tree a solitary lantern was flickering fitfully. It soon went out. The dazzling lights of the ballroom, glimmering through boughs and vines, shot a few rays into their faces. Music, languorous, torturing the heart, swelled and died on the air, mingled with the murmurings of eager voices.

Steadying his nerves by an effort, Fawkes took out the watch which Winter had given him, and bending toward the flickering light studied the dial. The hour was at hand; in five minutes the great clock in the tower of St. Paul would mark the stroke of eleven, and he would fire the fuse. Searching in his doublet he drew forth a tinder box and touchwood.

The interior of the room the books, the furniture, the schoolmaster's loose coat, his attitude at the table, even the flickering of the fire, bespoke the same dignified tale of undistracted research more than creditable to a man who had had no advantages beyond those of his own making. And yet the tale, true enough till latterly, was not true now. What he was regarding was not history.

A blaze of torches lighted a cleared space among the tall palm columns, and in the flickering red glow a score of naked, tattooed figures crouched about a shining mat of sugar-cane. About them great piles of yellow-boxed Swedish matches caught the light, and on the cane mat shone the red and white and black of the cards. O Lalala sat facing me, absorbed in the game.