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It was only a bird, and as I looked again at the rock it seemed as if a spray of vine had blown athwart it, which was not there before. I gazed intently, and, following the spray into the shadow, I saw something liquid and mottled like a toad's skin. As I stared it flickered and shimmered. 'Twas only the light on a wet leaf, I told myself; but surely it had not been there before.

She was calm and fearless and would face trouble with the level glance he knew, although now and then, when the lamp flickered in the draught, he had thought she smiled. They had been companions on evenings when Charnock wanted to read the newspaper or the talk had flagged.

In the hall of the Silver Flagon the distracted landlord wrung his hands above the slain poet's body, while the flames of the four and twenty candles danced and flickered on the table. Three leagues, then, the road ran, and turned into a puzzle. It joined with another and a larger road at right angles. David stood, uncertain, for a while, and then took the road to the right.

These doings had occupied as much time as allowed the glimmer of early dawn to pass into a grey light, that, while it did not render the torches unnecessary, exhibited in strange and grotesque shades the group of dark figures, their changing faces, moving heads, and inauspicious gestures, on which the gleams of the torches flickered faintly, in struggles with the rising morn.

"Larry Blake" a ruthless gleam flickered momentarily in Gully's deep-set, shadowy eyes "Larry Blake, I recognized as the son of the Governor of Barmsworth Prison old Gavin Blake. Sometimes this young fellow used to come around with his father, when the old gentleman was making his daily tour of inspection. I well remember the first time I saw him young Larry.

"You see," said the man of the sneer to Caroline Smith, "that our friend from the West has a child-like faith in my powers of what shall I say hypnotism!" A faint smile of agreement flickered on her lips and went out. Then she regarded Ronicky, with an utter lack of emotion.

It appeared that Miss Montague was actually applying this term to the New York society girl who in private life was burdened with an ailing family. He explained now that Mr. Baird had not considered her ideal for the part, but had chosen her out of kindness. Again there flickered far back in her eyes those lights that baffled him. There was incredulity in her look, but she seemed to master it.

Every time he answered, the lips flickered first as in rapid conversation as of a man seen talking through a window; but this time he stammered a little over his vowels. "I I I'm all right." Maggie leaned forward, her hands clasped tightly, and her eyes fixed steadily on that baffling face. "Laurie; it's you I'm speaking to you.... Can you hear me? Do you understand?"

And all at once they stopped, quaking and mazed and skeery, for there was the great stone, half in, half out of the water, for all the world like a strange big coffin; and at the head was the black snag, stretching out its two arms in a dark gruesome cross, and on it a tiddy light flickered, like a dying candle.

Attached as lie was to the romance of his solitary hours, he was startled at finding, that, except in the tallow and wax candles that flickered, not from the presence of a ghost, but from want of snuffing, there was no foundation in real life for any of that congeries of pleasing pictures and descriptions contained in those volumes, from which he had formed his study.