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The hound fled yelping to a corner, the Duke checked, startled, in his advance. "Well?" growled the King. "Well? Am I never to have peace? Am I never to be alone? What now? Bowels of God! What do you want?"

As soon as it was dark he went to the gate of the city, mounted the horse which was provided for him, and fled across the country to his castle. Here he found the vessel ready which he had ordered. He embarked, and put to sea. There is a small island called Cercina at a little distance from the coast. Hannibal reached this island on the same day that he left his tower.

"And understand, sir, in future, that I do not make bets where a lady is concerned." "Oh, I know only on the Tilly-Jinny-sort. And yet good Lord, Dick!" the rest was drowned in a bawl of laughter. Under cover of it Polly took to her heels and fled, regardless of the open door, or the padding of her bare feet on the boards.

The Catholic army could no longer be brought to a stand, but fled wildly in every direction, and were shot and stabbed by the republicans as they fled. The Admiral of Arragon fell with his hackney in this last charge. Unwounded, but struggling to extricate himself from his horse that had been killed, he was quickly surrounded by the enemy.

They should be told also that great commotions being arisen among the Greeks, and the most part of them having changed their places of abode, the Athenians always continued in their country, that they have been chosen by several people to arbitrate their differences, and that the oppressed have always fled to them for protection."

They had fled in an open boat to another island called Anuda one of those dark places of the earth where the good seed has not yet been sown." * Tuilagi "Queen of the Sky"; a name common in Polynesia. "And what was the nature and reason of your objection to their marriage?" said the Admiral quietly.

Next they formed a plot to hide a barrel of gunpowder under his bed and blow him up. But Laudonnière discovered that plot, and the ringleader fled to the forest. About this time a ship arrived from France bringing food for the colony, so that for a time things went a little better. And when the ship sailed again for home Laudonnière sent the worst of the mutineers back in it.

With that look a well of everlasting tears in my throbbing brain my feet were unrooted, and I fled." Here the reader paused again, and turned over many leaves.

Even the guards around the Manor House fled as we approached it, for the fame of our turbulence had spread abroad in the land. Lord Strepp tried to persuade them that nothing would happen to them, for when he saw the style in which we were coming he was anxious to make a show from the Westport side and had drawn up his men in line to receive us.

Then he fled down a side alley and soon was out upon the country road, tramping soddenly homeward through the dust, his chin sunk in his breast and his hands clenched tight at his sides. Now and then he stopped and bitterly hurled a stone at a piping bird on a fence, or gay Bob White in the fields.