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He's got his whole army together down thar, and he'll wollop yo'uns till your hides won't hold shucks. Ole Bragg's smarter'n ary Yankee that ever lived, and he's fixed up a dead-fall for yo'uns at Tullyhomy that'll mash yo'uns flatter'n a pancack." "Let him go ahead with his mashin' flat," answered Shorty; "we're some on the mash ourselves, as you fellers found out at Stone River."

She thrust her nose against the pane of glass so hard that it almost cracked I mean the glass nearly cracked. "Look at that, Bunny Brown!" exclaimed Sue. "Isn't my nose flatter'n yours? Look at it!" "How can I look at your nose when I'm looking at mine?" asked Bunny.

Bobbsey, who had run out to the front porch, upon hearing the excited cries, and the exclamations of fat Dinah, the cook. "Oh! has anything happened to any of the children?" "Yes'm, I s'pects there has, ma'am," said Dinah. "Pore li'l Freddie am done smashed all up flatter'n a pancake, Mrs. Bobbsey!" "Freddie Oh!"

Patter, patter, patter came the rain drops, not only on the roof, but all over, out of doors, splashing here and there, making little fountains in every mud puddle. Bunny Brown and his sister Sue stood with their faces pressed against the windows, looking out into the summer storm. "I can make my nose flatter'n you can!" suddenly exclaimed Bunny. "Oh, you cannot!" disputed Sue. "Look at mine!"

I'm fear'd fer ter say a perlite wud 'bout myself, an' I des know I ain't gwine 'roun' flatter'n up deze udder niggers." "An' 'tain't dat," responded the darkey, who held a paper in his hand. "We er gittin' up a Good Tempeler's lodge, an' we like ter git yo' name." "Eh-eh, honey! I done see too much er dis nigger tempunce.

He, too, had pushed his nose against the glass of his window, the children standing in the dining room where two large windows gave them a good view of things outside. "You must look at my nose to see if it's flatter'n yours!" insisted Sue. "Else how you going to know who beats?" "Well, I can make mine a flatter nose than yours!" declared Bunny.

"Yes, I know. But what for?" "'Cause it's cold. If I'm going to make my nose flatter'n yours I have to warm it a little. The glass is cold!" "Yes, it is a little cold," agreed Sue. "Well, go ahead now; let's see you flat your nose!" Bunny took a long breath. He then pressed his nose so hard against the glass that tears came into his eyes. But he didn't want Sue to see them.

Bobbsey, in great relief. "What made you think so?" "Well, I seed him all tangled up in dat two-wheeled velocipede ob Bert's, an' de hoss team was comin' right down on de honey-lamb. I thought shuah he was gwine t' be squashed flatter'n a pancake. But he ain't! Bless mah soul he ain't!