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Yes, there must be two of them that was the shadow of a human being, all right. They are over in the corner by the safe, now. The fellow with the flashlight is bending down. I can tell, because the other fellow walked between the light and the box and the light must be held very low, for I heard the shadows of both of his legs."

He clamped the flashlight between his knees, leaving his hands free, and from the leather girdle drew the old-time metal case, thin, like a cigarette case, and from the case, with a pair of little tweezers that precluded the possibility of telltale finger prints, lifted out a small, diamond-shaped, gray-coloured paper seal, adhesive on one side, which he moistened now with his tongue and, stooping quickly, attached it to the dead man's sleeve.

"Run; he'll be at the sheds first." She caught his hand and tugged him towards the park gate, a hundred yards distant. "My dear Kate!" he protested; "I'm not so young as I was. Let him be there first, confound him!" But he ran all the same. The engine was roaring overhead, fortissimo; looking up, the two panting runners saw the flashlight.

As they paused to listen they heard no sound. Either the intruders had rounded the point or had stopped rowing. Lucile threw the circle of her flashlight out to sea. "Stop that!" whispered Marian in alarm. "They might shoot." "Look!" exclaimed Lucile suddenly; "our boat's gone!" Hastening down the beach, they found it was all too true; the rowboat had disappeared.

"It will be something like taking the pictures of the wild animals in the jungle," Joe said. "We did some of them by flashlight, you remember, Blake." "Yes, so we did. And I brought the apparatus with us, though we haven't used it this trip. Now let's get down to business. But we'll need help in this, Joe. I wonder where Alcando ?" "You don't need him," declared the captain. "Why not?" asked Joe.

Now see you later," and snapping on his flashlight, went down the crude ladder that gave entrance to the passageway. He waited at the bottom of this ladder until he heard the crunching sound of the feed box being pushed back over the trap door. Then the light of the flashlamp ahead of him in a dancing beam, his heart beating rapidly with excitement, he pushed on.

We laid low and said nothing, for you can take it from me, mister, that a real spy is a man of few words, and playing with a flashlight in enemy lines is not exactly a healthy game.

Also, I told them to watch their movements, and to keep their feet strictly to their places. For the rest, there was to be no shooting, unless I gave the word. "And now at last, I went to my place, and, sitting down, made the Eighth sign just beyond my feet. Then I arranged my camera and flashlight handy, and examined my revolver.

Everyone was so occupied with last-minute details that probably no one was even looking at the rocket. Besides, it was light outdoors. His flashlight would be only a dim glow in the rising sunlight. There had to be another way. He forced himself to calmness. Approach it logically, he told himself sternly. The way to do it is to signal the blockhouse.

The pain in his shoulders was becoming unbearable. Taking one great gulp of air, he released his hold on the wall and thrust his body out into space. The little light in his cap went out. Odin fell through darkness. He fell into soft sand, doubling up as his feet touched it. Odin rolled over and over, losing both flashlight and gun as he tumbled.