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All de picters you'se eber seen can't beat dat!" and Grace gazed long and fixedly at the lovely creature that gazed back with troubled and bewildered eyes. "Was was I like that when when he married me?" "Yes, an' no, honey. You only look like a picter of a woman den a berry pearty picter, but nothin' but a picter arter all. Mas'r Graham hab brought yer ter life."

The matter was impersonal, the groaning Hun was a Hun, not an individuality. . . . A couple of men, mud-caked and weary, with a Lewis gun between them, are peering over the top in an early light of dawn. Beside them there are others: tense, with every nerve alert, looking fixedly into the grey shadows, wondering, a little jumpy. "Wot is it, Bill?"

"But look at her face!" wailed frightened and penitent Faith. "She has turned black, and so have her hands!" She certainly had changed her color. At Faith's despairing cry, the victim of the fall raised one of her brown hands and looked at it fixedly; then said briefly, "That's ashes. It's on my face, too. It will wash off, won't it?"

One morning when they had not seen each other for two whole days, I entered Emile's room with a letter in my hands, and looking fixedly at him I said to him, "What would you do if some one told you Sophy were dead?" He uttered a loud cry, got up and struck his hands together, and without saying a single word, he looked at me with eyes of desperation.

Rance rose and strode over to the bar. Looking fixedly at her with his steely grey eyes he demanded the reason. "'Cause you got a wife in Noo Orleans or so the mountain breezes say," was her ready answer. Rance gave no sign of having heard her. Throwing away the cigar he was smoking he asked in the most nonchalant manner: "Give me some of them cigars my kind."

He pulled Seyton's face, in spite of some resistance, closer to his own, looked at him fixedly, and added, "Thou hast begun young thy career will be the briefer ay, thou wilt be met with, and that anon a young plant never throve that was watered with an old man's blood. Yet why blame I thee?

Fuselli looked fixedly at the dark enigmatic windows, at the red crosses, at the orderlies in white who leaned out of the doors, waving their hands. Somebody noticed that there were scars on the new green paint of the last car. "The Huns have been shooting at it." "D'ye hear that? The Huns tried to shoot up that hospital train."

"I have tried to prevent this, for the sake of the future, I have tried; but you have made an understanding between us inevitable, and therefore it may as well be now." The voice halted and the speaker looked at his companion fixedly, minutely, almost unbelievingly. "I know I am not as you white men," went on the voice.

Speaking these words, always with the same calmness which had marked his manner from the first, he looked fixedly at her for a little while, sighed again, and turned away. Just before he disappeared among the trees, he said "Farewell," but so softly that she could barely hear it. Some strange confusion clouded her mind as she lost sight of him. Had she injured him, or had he injured her?

The child stared at him fixedly, but suddenly, for no reason on earth, it smiled again. Mac stood looking down at it, seeming lost in thought. Presently the small object stirred, struggled about feebly under the encompassing furs, and, freeing itself, held out its arms. The mites of hands fluttered at his sleeve and made ineffectual clutches. "What do you want?"