United States or Saint Pierre and Miquelon ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

In the next section down, but still in the same line is 'W' for White, 'Mu' for Mulatto, 'B' for Black, 'Ch' for Chinese, 'Jp' for Japanese, and 'In' for Indian." "Go ahead," the foreman said, "you're not likely to go wrong as yet." "The age seems clear, too," said Hamilton, "you punch the five-year period nearest to the age and then add on.

I am aware in making this statement that I shall be met with convincing instances of intelligent effort being made with the foreign-born children in special classes. No one has a higher respect for those efforts than I have few, other than educators, know of them better than I do, since I did not make my five-year study of the American public school system for naught.

Five-year close seasons on all shore birds, snipe and woodcock. Expulsion of the automatic and pump shotguns, in hunting. MICHIGAN: On the whole, the game laws of Michigan are in excellent shape, and leave little to be desired in the line of betterment except to be simplified.

Charles Darwin, humanly speaking, may be accounted for as the happy combination of a double heredity and a favorable environment. He inherited the scientific inclinations of his grandfather, Erasmus Darwin, and the patient, sturdy honesty of his other grandfather, Josiah Wedgwood. These developed under the stimulus of the long five-year voyage, face to face with the world of nature.

Go back and tell your homesteaders that I'll make a small five-year loan to every man in the settlement according to his extreme needs. I'll take each man's note with five per cent interest and the privilege of renewing for two years if crops fail at the end of the term.

Upon the theme thus presented a long and violent discussion raged; but if there be such a thing as an immutable moral law in this matter, it must be that upon which Bjoernson has so squarely and uncompromisingly planted his feet. The other remaining work of this five-year period is the play called "The New System."

During a recent five-year period, 160,000 forest fires burned over 56,488,000 acres, an area as large as the state of Utah, and destroyed or damaged timber and property valued at $85,715,000. Year by year, fires and bad timber practices have been increasing our total areas of waste and cut-over land.

I never did; and I have sat in many conventions of sportsmen. All the talk is of open seasons, bag limits and killing rights. The man who has the hardihood to stand up and propose a five-year close season has "a hard row to hoe." Men rise and say: "It's all nonsense! There's plenty of quail shooting on Long Island yet."

I am aware in making this statement that I shall be met with convincing instances of intelligent effort being made with the foreign-born children in special classes. No one has a higher respect for those efforts than I have few, other than educators, know of them better than I do, since I did not make my five-year study of the American public school system for naught.

She must resolutely stop the sale of all wild game. She must stop the killing of female deer, and of bucks with horns under three inches long. She must stop killing gray squirrels and doves as "game." She should not permit the beautiful wood-duck to be killed as "game." She should accord a five-year close season to grouse, and all shore birds.