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"So, after all," he concluded, "I should have been taken again but for my friend here," laying his hand upon the Indian's shoulder. "I told him you would pay him for his trouble in accompanying me." "So I will," said the cashier, and he took a five-dollar bill and tendered it to the Indian.

As it came to a sudden stop in front of the little postoffice, its great, swinging side-doors opened and the passengers scrambled out, each one handing the jovial and loquacious driver a five-dollar note. "Soon it took four stages to satisfy the demand, one going each way night and morning. It was at this stage of the game that Daddy built the famous Road House.

After she had written it she rose, and, the five-dollar bill in one hand, the sheets of yellow paper in the other, walked down the long room to the desk at which one of the librarians sat. The girl's cheeks were very red, her eyes shining as she poured out the story.

They were vigorously supported by Kleebaum, who punctuated his scathing condemnation of the chauffeur's greed with a series of surreptitious winks which encouraged the latter to remain firm in his demand. Finally Morris peeled off two five-dollar bills and an hour later the Appalachian runabout was ignominiously hauled into a Jamaica garage.

For she fancied somebody standing at the door of heaven holding out his hand like the ticket-man at the depot. She found her mother's purse in the writing-desk, and scattered its contents into the wash-bowl, then picked out the wettest "skipt," a five-dollar bill, and tucked it into her bosom. This would make it all right at the door of heaven.

And say, it wa'n't so long ago that Abey was wearin' sky-blue pants and a Postal shield, trottin' out with messages from District Ten. But here he is, with a checked ulster and a five-dollar hat, writin' figures on a pad. "Hello, Motzie!" says I. "How long since they lets the likes of you inside the ropes?" "Hello, Torchy!" says he. "Got any orders?" "I'm lined with 'em," says I. "What's good?"

"I'm sorry you can't go with me, Jack," said the bluff sailor. "So am I; but I can't leave mother." "Right, my lad; I wouldn't take you away from her. But there take that, and don't forget me." "You are very kind," said Jack, as the captain pressed into his hand a five-dollar gold piece. "May I give it to my mother?" "Certainly, my lad; you can't do better."

The pathetic little figure, still quivering convulsively with every breath, touched the heart of the selfish man, and drawing a five-dollar gold piece from his pocket he slipped it inside the moist, brown fist. Then, as if realizing what a paltry thing gold is in comparison with love, he stooped over the flushed face and kissed it gently, the first kiss he had ever given his little daughter.

The Old Gentleman was astounded, the housekeeper was called in and exclaimed over it, raising her hands to Heaven. Vandover's father gave him a five-dollar gold-piece, fresh from the mint, had the picture framed in gilt and hung it up in his smoking-room over the clock.

Then he blamed his own past idleness so much, and promised if I would only try and endure 'the slings and arrows' of your outrageous temper, Clement, for two years longer, he would have made a home for me in which I could be happy. Yes, Clement, I should marry John Selden if we had not a five-dollar bill between us." "I wish Cleve had been a little more explicit about his money affairs.