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And in course of his ramble, he beheld a black-eyed maiden of celestial beauty, the daughter of a fisherman. The king addressing her, said, 'Who art thou, and whose daughter? What dost thou do here, O timid one? She answered, 'Blest be thou! I am the daughter of the chief of the fishermen.

Do you mean the cobblers, the hucksters, the fishermen, and the bakers?" "Yes, sir, they have all risen in revolt." "Very well, I'll be there directly and tell them to be quiet." "Oh, sir, you speak as if you could extinguish the burning city with this watering-can. The will of Allah be done!"

It was the first white men who ventured through Melanesia after the early explorers, who developed beche de mer English men such as the beche de mer fishermen, the sandalwood traders, the pearl hunters, and the labour recruiters. In the Solomons, for instance, scores of languages and dialects are spoken.

Tommy, in the costume with which he had been born, was outside fishing. Jimmy pushed out the canoe onto the lake and sat there watching Tommy. Tommy never caught anything fishing, but that never disturbs a devotee of the Waltonian art. Tommy had his own methods for the sport. He fished without line, hook or bait. He used neither guile, nor any of the lures employed by fishermen.

It was, however, very difficult to decide; for in the screen of the wood, all along the banks, every spot seemed the same, and there were many reasons against tying up in some dark retreat and leaving the precious craft to its fate, at the mercy of the rising or falling water, and at the risk of discovery by prowling fishermen. "We must get her aground," said Mr.

In the silence Andrew could hear him protesting. "No! No! No!" The Prophet stepped back in awe. "I am not worthy to baptize you. You should baptize me!" The two fishermen could not hear the Galilean's reply, but they saw him walk down into the water, John the Baptizer leading. The people stood as though fascinated.

"Queer lot, these frog-eaters," said Pete, going into the street so as to avoid a thick, pushing crowd. "Yes, they would come to a knifing over a count of fish and yet give their schooners to a friend in trouble. Too bad they ain't better fishermen." "Yeah, ain't it."

And when you get through with that, I'd like you to paint me a picture to match it of the château, and as many little sketches of the fishermen, and the girls with the big white hats and bare legs and red petticoats, as you choose. You can live in the homestead till that picture's done, and then you can cross over and live in the château.

It does not attempt to throw doubt on the reality of the miracle, but there is a world of arrogant contempt in it, both in speaking of the cure as 'this, and in the scornful emphasis with which, in the Greek, 'ye' stands last in the sentence, and implies, 'ye poor, ignorant fishermen.

Not finding here the ships of the maritime division of the expedition, which he had expected to meet, he seized on the boats of the French fishermen and pursued his course. Soon afterwards a French force was met and put to flight, its leader, Duke Ragnold, being killed. This event, as we are told, gave rise to a new change in the career of the famous Hasting.