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Sewell, "this sort of experimenting is too bad too much nerve here, too much solitude, too much pine-whispering and sea-dashing are going to the making up of this little piece of workmanship." "Tell me," he said, motioning Moses to sit by him, "how you like the Roman history." "I like it first-rate," said Moses.

"It's a bit of luck that I should be in London when you turned up," he said. "I've only got three days' leave." "He's dying to get back," said his mother. "Well, I don't mind confessing it, I have a rattling good time at the front. I've made a lot of good pals. It's a first-rate life.

And I could boast of my greyhounds too. It's all a thing of the past now, I've no reason to lie. I used to go out shooting too. I had a dog called the Countess, a wonderful setter, with a first-rate scent she took everything. Sometimes I'd go to a marsh and call "Seek." If she refused, you might go with a dozen dogs, and you'd find nothing.

To do him justice, he would not undermine a classmate, although he had other rules of conduct which might eventually require a little straightening out. "Worthy's a first-rate fellow, a little quick-tempered, perhaps, and inclined to go his own way. He's got a good mind, and he's taken to using it lately. He has come pretty near being suspended once or twice."

This last was not so easy to manage, for he had to lift it up, and every now and then old Diamond would whisk it out of his hands, and once he sent the comb flying out of the stable door, to the great amusement of the men. But Jack fetched it again, and Diamond began once more, and did not leave off until he had done the whole business fairly well, if not in a first-rate, experienced fashion.

We are therefore at liberty, in conformity with the general opinion of logicians, to consider the two elementary forms of the first figure as the universal types of all correct ratiocination; the one, when the conclusion to be proved is affirmative, the other, when it is negative; even though certain arguments may have a tendency to clothe themselves in the forms of the second, third, and fourth figures; which, however, can not possibly happen with the only class of arguments which are of first-rate scientific importance, those in which the conclusion is a universal affirmative, such conclusions being susceptible of proof in the first figure alone.

"And you have been just a little discouraged over your first lesson? and would be willing now to give up?" "No, sir. I should feel very bad to be obliged to give up the drum." "Very well. Then I can say something to comfort you. Stick to it, as you have begun, and you will make a drummer." "A first-rate one?" Frank asked, eagerly. "First-rate, or else I am no judge."

They so hinder the ebb that there is more silt deposited, and at the same time there is less current on the flats to carry the mud away. As the engineers say, there is not so much 'scouring' a first-rate word to express it. Haven't you noticed how, in some spots, the current seems to scour away all the mud and leave naked stones and pebbles?" "Yes," exclaimed Ted, "I get hold of the idea now.

Those to his little sister Fanny are also charming in their way, though the peculiar and very happy mixture of life and literature to be found in the others does not, of course, occur in them. His letters of description, to whomsoever written, are, as one might expect, first-rate; and the very late specimen one of his very last to anyone to Mrs. not Miss Brawne is as brave as it is touching.

To hear him talk in the Forum or hold forth at a small gathering of friends on the problems of the earliest Italian races, and the causes that met in the founding and growth of Rome, was to understand how no scholar or archeologist can be quite first-rate who is not also something of a poet.