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I was not long, therefore, after my arrival, in putting myself in train for a hunt. "Unfortunately, the gentlemen of the company were too busy to go along with me; so also were the numerous engages; and I set out, taking only my servant, a bois brule, or half-breed, who happened, however, to be a good guide for such an expedition, as well as a first-rate hunter.

"I told you," said I, taking advantage of a momentary pause, "that I had a great interest in the horses: pray tell, me, can you make any use of him?" "Any use of him! why he is the most useful animal in the world: an excellent saddle-horse; a first-rate jumper. He was not in my possession three weeks when I won the five pounds he cost me.

In ward F supplied the men throughout with writing paper and stamp'd envelope each; distributed in small portions, to proper subjects, a large jar of first-rate preserv'd berries, which had been donated to me by a lady her own cooking. Found several cases I thought good subjects for small sums of money, which I furnish'd.

What the first-rate man thinks to-day, the second-rate people think to-morrow that is how we make progress; and I would like to take infinite pains with the best material, if I could find it, and leave discipline for the second-rate.

Johann Schmidt was a poor man, who could not afford the luxury of first-rate rifles; he therefore did his best with most inferior arms, one of which was a light double-barrelled smooth-bore muzzle-loader No. 16. This was a French gun, for which he had given 50 francs at Cairo. By some chance, this common little weapon shot remarkably well with ball and 3 drams of powder.

'Tis a consummation devoutly to be wished. But soft you, the fair Ophelia: Ope not thy ponderous and marble jaws, But get thee to a nunnery go! Well, the old man he liked that speech, and he mighty soon got it so he could do it first-rate.

On the day following the Starlight's arrival, as luck would have it, a 'political meeting' was to be holden at the Deacon's, when a considerable amount of first-rate drinking was sure to come off. Smooth, being Mr. Pierce's minister in general, was honored with an invitation which he declined in consideration of his anxiety to be among the mackerel.

Lohr gave him a note to me, and he was really a very pleasant-looking young man. A VERY pleasant-looking young man," Mrs. Adams repeated with increased animation and a thoughtful glance at her daughter. "He's a Mr. Will Dickson; he has a first-rate position with the gas works, Mrs. Lohr says, and he's fully able to afford a nice room.

"Two days later a lady, Madame Picardet, who was a customer of ours, brought in a good cheque for three hundred pounds, signed by a first-rate name, and asked us to pay it in on her behalf to Darby, Drummond, and Rothenberg's, and to open a London account with them for her. We did so, and received in reply a cheque-book."