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All the time you have lived and your father, and grandfather, and right back to the beginnings of English history, and far, far further into the dim ages, this stupendous exhibition of energy and power has continued, and only of late years has anyone known anything about it; even now a mere handful of people do know, and the rest, who are warmed and fed and kept alive by the gracious beams of this great revolving glowing fireball, never give it a thought.

They gave themselves up for lost in the agony of terror that partially interrupted the ordinary functions of their brains, this was absolutely all they could do! Hardly three minutes had elapsed since Ardan had caught the first glimpse of it three ages of agony! Now it was on them! In a second in less than a second, the terrible fireball had burst like a shell!

The fireball, if ball of fire indeed there were, had struck in the very centre of its splendid dome, and ploughed its way from feather tip to sturdy root, riving the tree in twain, cleaving its great boughs left and right, laying one majestic half level with the earth, and bending the other till the proud head almost touched the grass.

Black Bart nodded. "She's orbiting outside the atmosphere. Captain Wurster will send down a ship to pick us up as soon as we've finished our business here." The Fireball, being much faster than the clumsy Brainchild, had left Earth later than the slower ship, and had arrived earlier. "Now hear this! Now hear this! Third Warning! Landing orbit begins in one minute! Landing begins in one minute!"

And then the solution hit like a fireball. Exactly in line with the UFO, and ten miles away, not four, was a set of antennas for the California State Highway Patrol radio. The sun's rays were reflecting from these antennas. They'd never seen this before because on only a few days during the year was the sun at exactly the right angle to produce the reflection. The men were right.

When he was informed about the mysterious fireball he heaved an audible sigh of relief, "Thanks," he said, "I was afraid I'd gotten some bad bourbon." And he hung up. Dr. Lincoln La Paz, world-famous authority on meteorites and head of the University of New Mexico's Institute of Meteoritics, apparently took the occurrence calmly.

His idea was to trot over to the German trenches and look inside." "Quite so!" agreed Wagstaffe, and Kemp chuckled. "Well, we were standing by the barbed wire entanglement, arguing the point, when suddenly some infernal imbecile in our own trenches " "Cockerell, for a dollar!" murmurs Wagstaffe. "Don't say he fired at you!" "No, he did worse. He let off a fireball." "Whew!

Near the left-hand corner of the grove which surrounded the dingle, and about ten yards from the fireball, I perceived a chaise, with a postilion on the box, who was making efforts, apparently useless, to control his horses, which were kicking and plunging in the highest degree of excitement.

La Paz had used the same techniques on these plots and had marked an area where he wanted to search. He had searched the area many times but he had never found anything. These were plots of the path of a green fireball. When Dr. La Paz had finished, I had one last question, "What do you think they are?"

Just before he swerved the DC-3, the fireball was as big, or bigger, than a full moon. The intelligence officers asked a few more questions and went back to their office. More reports, which had been phoned in from all over northern New Mexico, were waiting for them. By morning a full-fledged investigation was under way.