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"It will be all right, dear," she said, "and and you are the first of us to begin to do something useful; it was splendid of you to think of it. I wish I knew what I could do," she added wistfully, her cheek resting on Poppy's curls. "I'll try and fink of something for you," said Poppy gravely. "P'r'aps by the morning I'll have finked of something very nice then won't you be glad?"

I master de leetle one, Eboe Peter, and we carry dem both prisoners into Falmouth. Massa Aaron fight? Ah, massa, no hax dat question again." "Well, but will Mr Gelid fight?" said I. "I tink him will too great friend of Massa Bang good duck shot too oh yes, fink Massa Paul will fight." "Why," said I, "your friends are all heroes, Pegtop will Mr Wagtail fight also?"

Once the timbered riches of Africa being mentioned, at once the Major gave us a most graphic account of how "the old house" for thus he designated some commercial establishment, which either had no existence or which he had some reason for not more particularly indicating had sent him in charge of a rosewood saw mill on the Ganges, and, after many ups and downs, of how the floods had come and swept the plant away; and Rudolph Fink, who was of the party, immediately said, "I can attest the truth of The Major's story, because my brother Albert and I were in charge of some fishing camps at the mouth of the Ganges at the exact date of the floods, and we caught many of those rosewood logs in our nets as they floated out to sea."

They were doing it in a dreadful and businesslike way. There were two men and one woman. The faces of all three were mahogany colored and expressionless. There was about them an awful sort of stillness. Something in the sight seemed to sicken Gussie Fink. It came to her that the wintry air outdoors must be gloriously sweet, and cool, and clean in contrast to this.

Can't you understand that the love of God in the heart makes men and women wish to try to keep God's commandments by bein' kind to one another, an' considering the poor, an' feedin' the hungry, an' clothin' the naked?" "Right you are, Fink," said Lockley, with a nod of approval, which was repeated by several of those around.

'Next time I'm goin' to get losted in annover bran'-new place where no-bud-dy can find me! I fink it was the nicest time 'cept Fourth of July, don't you, mamma? And he patted his mother's cheek and imprinted an oily kiss thereon.

"'Beg yer pardon, Sir! I sez, 'but if you let 'im go back t' Dyvidsburg I fink 'e'll be quite contented. Seems like 'e wants t' be wiv Sorjint Slavin an' Constable Yorke agin. "'Fink so? sez 'e, pullin' 'is oweld moustache, 'I sure do, Sir, I sez. 'So be it, then! 'e sez, turnin' t' Kilbride, but th' Inspector 'e sez nothin': 'e on'y larfs. An' then they went away."

"The news is," he said, "that we're to be married." "Put me down, sir!" she cried indignantly, "or I will Oh, Con, where, oh, wherever did you get the nerve to say it?" Harlem. Mrs. Fink had dropped into Mrs. Cassidy's flat one flight below. "Ain't it a beaut?" said Mrs. Cassidy. She turned her face proudly for her friend Mrs. Fink to see.

Burton, looking alternately and frequently at the two accounts of the Advent, "they suddenly saw an angel, and the shepherds were afraid." "Should fink they would be," said Toddie. "Everybody gets afraid when they see good people around. I 'spec' they thought the angel would say 'don't! in about a minute." "But the angel told them not to be afraid," said Mrs.

"What is this wonderful snow, Minnie, that you are tormenting Mr. Lee for?" asked Mrs. Hale. "Oh! it's a fairy snow that he told me all about; it only comes when the sun comes up and goes down, and if you catch ever so little of it in your hand it makes all you fink you want come true! Wouldn't that be nice?"