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In "Death Crowning Innocence," as a mother she puts her halo on the infant Innocence, whom she claims. Death holds a Court to which all must go priest, soldier, king, cripple, beautiful woman, and young child. The lion must die, the civilisation be overthrown, wealth, fame, and pride must be let go so Watts shows in his "Court of Death"; all come to the end of the book marked Finis.

His is the Spartan heroism, the inflexibility of the Roman, the enduring resolution of the Anglo-Saxon never to relinquish his work, though his heart yearns for home; never to surrender his obligations until he can write Finis to his work. But you may take any point in Dr. Livingstone's character, and analyse it carefully, and I would challenge any man to find a fault in it.

And yet Time hath his revolutions: there must be an end to all temporal things, finis rerum, and end of names and dignities, and whatsoever is terrene; and why not of De Vere? For where is De Bohun? where is Mowbray? where is Mortimer? Nay, what is more and most of all, where is Plantagenet? They are entombed in the urns and sepulchres of mortality.

At these words the bailiff interrupted the exorcist and ordered him to make the demon say in Greek the three words, 'finis, pacti, impuritas'. But the superior, who had once already got out of her difficulties by an evasive answer, had again recourse to the same convenient phrase, "Nimia curiositas," with which Barre agreed, saying that they were indeed too much given to curiosity.

But here, in this editorial business, you can't do otherwise: and a queer, sad, strange, bitter thought it is, that must cross the mind of many a public man: "Do what I will, be innocent or spiteful, be generous or cruel, there are A and B, and C and D, who will hate me to the end of the chapter to the chapter's end to the Finis of the page when hate, and envy, and fortune, and disappointment shall be over."

And in this loud peal, what none could yet know, the French-English part of the Seven-Years War had ended. That Cannonade of the Brucken-Muhle had been finis. For supreme Bute, careless of the good news coming in on him from West and from East, or even rather embarrassed by them, had some time ago started decisively upon the Peace Negotiation.

Finis of Ban, some eight months hence, has something of attractive as futility, the curious Death of a Futility. Four Invasions, from their respective points of the compass, northeast, northwest, southeast and southwest: here is a formidable outlook for the one man against whom they are all advancing open-mouthed.

This was the work with which our battalion, and others, had been occupied and was just about completed when, true to their word, the Heinies started in, systematically, to write "finis" for Dickebusch. The church had already been pretty well shot up, as well as the surrounding graveyard where many of the tombs and monuments were smashed and the dead thrown from their graves.

One by one fell prey to exhaustion, dropped with a last frenzied sob unto the earth; some lay still and quiet, peppered by a second stream of lead. Others, writhing in agony, dazed, mad, waited the Jerry approach and picked off man after man until a bayonet thrust put finis to their last impotent struggles.

Close up finis. B'mbi me plant'm along scrub." Thus spoke the pleasant-faced gin who passed with the dilly-bag along a narrow aisle of the jungle, intent upon ridding herself of a vexatious encumbrance, and at the same time performing the rite of unrighteous burial. Squirming in dirt was a naked infant-black, foul, and but a few days old. "Mother belonga that fella him dead finis.