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She had been chattering very fast in a shrill, affected voice, with a gesticulation so free and French, and a face so close to his, that the nervous and finicking squire had been every moment afraid lest the next should find her white fingers in his very eyes. He felt an inward spasm of relief when he saw her attention diverted. "Is that Mr.

His knowledge of current events was unparalleled; then there was a quiet potency in him she thought very becoming in a man; and then his manner. He was the first of our unfortunate sex who had reached beau ideal. One was harsh, another finicking; a third loud; a fourth enthusiastic; a fifth timid; and all failed in tact except Mr. Hardie.

His glance fastened on the bunch of ribbons floating from the cap, and at that he smiled. 'Oh! he said, with a finicking drawl. 'You've made a bolt of it, have you? 'Say that again, said Polson, 'and I'll ram it down your throat, and send a tooth or two along with it. 'Indeed, said De Blacquaire.

This here is the breakwater supposing the water isn't there and this is the basin cut through the middle, you understand? But I can't get it to look right yet the dimensions are quite correct. Here above the water-line there will be big coping-stones, and underneath it's broken stone." Pelle set to work, but he was too finicking. "Not so exact!" said Jorgensen. "Only roughly!"

But the outside, and the darkest corner of the cul-de-sac whence the stage door of the Orpheum Music Hall was reached, satisfied Stafford King. He drew further into the shadow at sight of the figure which picked a finicking way along the passage and paused only at the open doorway to furl his umbrella.

He knew nothing of the struggle or the reward of the artist in words, who wrestles for the exact nuance, and will not let a sentence go till he has obtained its blessing. Consequently he is never finicking in his phraseology, and seldom final.

She gave a supercilious glance into the Square as she languidly rose. It was the morning of the third day of Bursley Wakes; not the modern finicking and respectable, but an orgiastic carnival, gross in all its manifestations of joy. The whole centre of the town was given over to the furious pleasures of the people.

"If you mean about his finicking ways, I do find a change," Ellen replied, "and a good job, too. He's playing with the other boys again and using those silly books to shoot at with a catapult, which to my mind is a sight more reasonable than poring over them all the time. I never did see a man," she continued, with a slow smile, "so taken aback as Mr.

The little, finicking man addressed no one in particular, but seemed much concerned lest we should not fully comprehend his respectability, though in truth he might have passed easily enough for a fool.

Stanch and true! Thus I'd have her love to be: Not to die At the nigh Breath of cold adversity." "'Tis well sung," quoth Robin, "but, cousin, I tell thee plain, I would rather hear a stout fellow like thee sing some lusty ballad than a finicking song of flowers and birds, and what not. Yet, thou didst sing it fair, and 'tis none so bad a snatch of a song, for the matter of that.