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They laughed at their crinkly finger-tips wrinkled by the water like parchment; and his neck, where it rose above the soft high collar, was branded by the sun a flaming red. "Gee!" she cried. "Ain't you sunburnt!" "I always tan red," he said. "And me, I always tan tan." They exchanged these pithy and inspired bits of autobiography in warm, intimate tones.

But you will observe that far from being padded to rotundity his face is stiff from force of will, and lean from the efforts of keeping it so. When his right arm rises, all the force in his veins flows straight from shoulder to finger-tips; not an ounce is diverted into sudden impulses, sentimental regrets, wire-drawn distinctions. The buses punctually stop.

"I'm not doing nothing wrong, and I'm half froze to death, and yet they keep a- nagging at me." It was so cold that when the boy stamped his feet against the footboard to keep them warm, sharp pains shot up through his body, and when he beat his arms about his shoulders, as he had seen real cabmen do, the blood in his finger-tips tingled so acutely that he cried aloud with the pain.

"I don't want you to go away and think ill of me that I am one of those women les affranchies I think they call them who think themselves above social laws. I am not. I am bourgeoise to my finger-tips, and I reverence all the old maxims and prejudices in which I was born. But conditions are different. It is just like the priests who have been called into the ranks.

If all came to all, perhaps I owed him this shilling; I had just recollected an old debt; he was standing before an honest man, honourable to his finger-tips in short, the money was his. Oh, no thanks were needed; it had been a pleasure to me. Good-bye! I went on. At last I was freed from this work-ridden plague, and I could go my way in peace.

Pixie's red merino dress was the pride of little Miss Lock-keeper's heart, but about two sizes too big for its present occupant. The bodice hung in folds about her tiny figure, the sleeves came down to her finger-tips; the Captain's shiny black suit made him appear quite clumsy and awkward, but that was all part of the fun, in the estimation of three members of the party, at least.

A sudden shock went over Virgie, making her tingle to her finger-tips at this question. It was the first time that she had been asked to give her name since coming to San Francisco. She had lived so like a recluse that there had been no occasion, and she had never decided what she would be called. She could not use her husband's name.

When a finger is lifted, it naturally assumes a more rounded position until it descends to the same spot on the key from which it was lifted, as though there were five little imaginary black spots on the keys, showing exactly where the finger-tips should rest. The fingers are lifted cleanly and evenly and fall on the keys no hitting nor striking.

But for a moment I was confused I saw nothing which seemed of any importance some bottles and decanters and glasses, a glass tray or two, a pile of rubber gloves. I couldn't understand. I picked up one of the gloves and looked at it, but it was just an ordinary glove. Then farther back, I saw some others their finger-tips were stained with ink and then another, lying by itself.

"Get the chairs," motioned Malcourt; and when all were seated clear of the table but touching lightly the surface with their finger-tips: "A B C D E F" began Malcourt, slowly reciting the alphabet; and, as the raps rang out, sig-nalling some letter, he began again in a monotonous voice: "A B C D E F G" pausing as soon as the raps arrested him at a certain letter, only to begin again.