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His findings were passed on to the School of Alexandria, and there medical science was further developed. At this stage of history all advances stopped, and for the following reason: With the coming of Christianity this science, as well as all others, was stultified.

Oliver saw that he had found some more curiosities; bunches of nuts, nuts which were ripening on the tree many hundreds of seasons ago; but which no hand had plucked till now. "Don't be afraid, Roger," said Oliver. "I am not going to touch your findings, or meddle with you.

Fernald noticed that the checks of both men were of an identical color, and had the same number of holes punched in them. After carelessly watching a moment or two longer, he returned and without stopping to speak to the boys, went past them and into the next car. Here he engaged a brakeman in conversation, and at last returned to the boys, who were on tenterhooks to learn of his findings.

I now herewith submit a report of the Tariff Board on Schedule K. The board is unanimous in its findings. On the basis of these findings I now recommend that the Congress proceed to a consideration of this schedule with a view to its revision and a general reduction of its rates. Such wools, if imported, might be used to displace the cheap substitutes now in use.

WILLIS: "Findings of the Immigration Commission," art. in The Survey, 25: 571-578. 238. =In Europe.= A large proportion of the immigrants from Europe have been peasants who have come out of rural villages to find a home in the barracks of American cities.

"I don't want no money. Ye kin git," said the voice in its depths. "Look here," he said desperately, "I only wanted to prove to you that I'll bring your pan back safe. Now look! If you don't like to take money, I'll leave this ring with you until I come back. There!" He slipped a small specimen ring, made out of his first gold findings, from his little finger.

The location of aircraft in an area where a UFO had been reported was usually checked by the intelligence officer who made the report, but we double-checked his findings by requesting the location of flights from CAA and military air bases. Astronomical almanacs and journals, star charts, and data that we got from observatories furnished us with clues to UFO's that might be astronomical bodies.

And she and I are going to convene a White House conference on early learning and the brain this spring to explore how parents and educators can best use these startling new findings. We already know we should start teaching children before they start school. That's why this balanced budget expands Head Start to one million children by 2002. And that is why the vice president and Mrs.

Besides, if the reports of Leigh and Leyton be compared with the episcopal visitations of the same houses or with those of the royal visitors appointed in 1536 to carry out the suppression of the smaller monasteries, it will be found that in regard to the very same houses there exists a very open contradiction between their findings.

I have personally instructed several thousand medical and non-medical individuals and have yet to hear of a single case where a crisis was precipitated or anything of a dangerous or detrimental nature occurred as a result of hypnosis. I have also taught several thousand persons self-hypnosis and can report the same findings.