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Berry, the overseer, Miss," turning to Edith, "He walked up, and findin' de screws rattlin' and loose, just turned back de top piece, an', as true as Caesar's standin' here, there wasn't no chile thar; nothin' 'tall but the Miss, an' she didn't look no how; never should have guessed them heap of bones had ever been Miss Petry."

And I couldn't have 'em thinkin' what they did think, now could I? So I bought me David, I bought me that high comb I used to wear, and and a blue handkerchief and a thimble and and this ring. And I said you give 'em to me. And I trusted to chance for your never findin' it out.

We're all gettin' a deal too soft and dull and comfy. Give me the great waste lands and the wide spaces, with a gun in my fist and somethin' to look for that's worth findin'. I've tried war and steeplechasin' and aeroplanes, but this huntin' of beasts that look like a lobster-supper dream is a brand-new sensation." He chuckled with glee at the prospect.

"But they's a hundred Kates in the range," said Sam. "Has he said her last name, Buck, or has he given you any way of findin' out where she lives?" "There ain't no way," brooded Buck, "except that when he talks about her sometimes he speaks of Lee Haines like he wanted to kill him. Sometimes he's dreamin' of havin' Lee by the throat.

We con nobbud do what we're permitted to do. We're only instruments in th' Almeety's honds. 'But isn't th' Almeety His own Measter? 'So He is, but His ways are past findin' out. 'An' thaa means to say thaa'd save my lass, and th' Almeety wouldn't save me? 'It's decrees, thaa knows, lad, it's decrees, said Amos, unshaken by the argument of his friend.

Annyhow I can't git work, an' I've a wife an' chick at home, who've bin so long used to praties and bacon that their stummicks don't take kindly to fresh air fried in nothin'. So ye see, sur, findin' it difficult to make a livin' above ground, I'm disposed to try to make it under water." While Rooney Machowl was speaking Baldwin regarded him with a fixed and critical gaze.

Forbes were tellin' me I should be gettin' salvage for bringin' she t' port safe." "Aye," confirmed Douglas, "you should be gettin' salvage. 'Tis th' law o' th' sea an' but right. We'll ha' t' be lookin' t' th' salvage for un lad." "But how'll we be gettin' un now?" Bob asked, much puzzled. "An' how'll we be findin' th' owner?"

"I reckon she dropped it when she was tellin' me good-bye. Oh, you deah old dog fo' findin' it." She laid the glove against her cheek as fondly as if it had been her mother's soft hand. There was something wonderfully comforting in the touch. As they walked slowly back toward the house she rolled it up and put it lovingly away in her tiny apron pocket.

Macy hunted up the magazine an' looked 'em up an' for a fact it was Kulosis after all. As soon as she see it she remembered the four noses an' all, but she says she was too done up to go any further at the minister just then." "Is " asked Mrs. Lathrop, finally. "I don't know, an' I don't care anyhow, an' I ain't goin' to catch no spider for the sake of findin' out.

Right an' wrong don't look the same to 'em by lamplight as they do by day, an' if thar conscience ain't set plum' in the pupils of thar eyes, I don't know whar 'tis, that's sho'. But, thank heaven, I ain't one of those that's always findin' an excuse for people not even if the backslider be my own husband. Thar's got to be some few folks on the side of decency, an' I'm one of 'em.