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For two long burning hours did the Connemara filly circle in Ring 3, and during all that time not once did her owner's ears hear the longed-for summons, "Hi! grey mare!" It seemed to her that every other horse in the ring was called in to the rails, "and she doesn't look so very thin to-day!" said Fanny indignantly to Captain Spicer, who, with Mr. Gunning, had come to take her away for lunch.

The filly withdrew a short distance from the herd and stood alert and watchful. For half an hour the Ramblin' Kid studied the Gold Dust maverick. He looked at the clouds climbing higher and higher in the west, then long and thoughtfully at Captain Jack. "Let's get her, Boy!" he murmured; "let's go an' get her!"

The thing they did not know was that his heart was torn by memory of the agony of Old Blue in the quicksand and his mind tortured by the picture of dumb suffering a bullet from his own gun had, that morning, mercifully ended. After a time he spoke again, more quietly and with a note of weariness in his voice: "Oh, well, I reckon I'll keep th' filly.

The lad drove the filly at the loose horse and rammed him in the flank. A groan went up from the assembled thousands. "Good boy!" roared the Americans. "Dead boy, ye mean," muttered Old Mat. "He's got it." Horse and boy went down together in headlong ruin. Flibberty-gibbet rose with difficulty and limped away with broken leg and nodding head.

Jack and the lady were jogging on acrass a green field, not suspecting that the rest were so near them, and talking over the pleasant days they would spind together in Ireland, when they hears the hue-and-cry once more at their very heels. "'Quick as lightning, Jack, says she, 'or we're lost the right ear and the left shoulder, like thought they're not three lengths of the filly from us!

When he had eaten all the breakfast he wanted, Marcy mounted his mother's horse, that had been brought to the door in place of his filly which old Morris had taken to Nashville, and galloped out of the yard. The first man he saw was Beardsley, standing by the ruins of his house. The man looked up when he heard the sound of hoofs on the road, and when he discovered Marcy he beckoned him to come in.

He nodded his head. "What does it all mean?" "It means, girl," he said, slowly, "that all the trouble and pains I have taken over Lucretia since she was foaled, two years ago, and her dam, the old mare, Maid of Rome, died, even to raising the little filly on a bottle, and watching over her temper that it should not be ruined by brutal savages of stable-boys, whose one idea of a horse is that he must be clubbed into submission that all the care taken in her training, and the money spent for her keep and entries goes for nothing in this race, if Jockey McKay is the rascal I fear he is."

'Now, says she, 'we have gained another day. 'Tundher-and-turf! says Jack, 'what's this for, at all, at all? but wait till I get you in the Immerald Isle, for this, and if you don't enjoy happy days any how, why I'm not sitting before you on this horse, by the same token that it's not a horse at all, but a filly though; if you don't get the hoith of good aiting and drinking lashings of the best wine and whisky that the land can afford, my name's not Jack.

When the storm broke over the Quarter Circle KT the Ramblin' Kid was twenty miles away following the Gold Dust maverick. Old Heck's surmise that he had gone in search of the outlaw filly was but half correct.

George Forsyte, of course, was an old chap, but this Profond might be about his own age; Val felt extremely young, as if the Mayfly filly were a toy at which those two had laughed. The animal had lost reality. "That 'small' mare" he seemed to hear the voice of Monsieur Profond "what do you see in her? we must all die!" And George Forsyte, crony of his father, racing still!