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In a long experience I have never seen a better performance have you, monsieur?" he added to M. Fille. "But once," was the pointed and deliberate reply. "Ah, when was that?" asked Judge Carcasson, interested. "The year monsieur le juge was ill, and Judge Blaquiere took your place. It was in Vilray at the Court House here."

Sherringham forbore to look at Gabriel Nash, and Madame Carré said: "I think you've a voice, ma fille, somewhere or other. We must try and put our hand on it." Then she asked her what instruction she had had, and the girl, lifting her eyebrows, looked at her mother while her mother prompted her. "Mrs. Delamere in London; she was once an ornament of the English stage.

More than one ribald reference to Jean Jacques had been checked by his chivalrous fellow-citizens; indeed, M. Fille had almost laid himself open to a charge of assault in his own court by raising his stick at a loafer, who made insulting references to Jean Jacques.

To which the women replied from the interior, in falsetto, in doleful tones: "Mon père est en chagrin, ma mère en grand' tristesse, Et moi je suis fille de trop grand' merci Pour ouvrir ma porte

She thought of only two people there, Mr. Lindsay and her aunt; and the riding-master, as his opinions might affect theirs. "C'est très bien c'est très bien," he muttered; "c'est parfaitement, Monsieur, mademoiselle votre fille has had good lessons; voil

The people that spend your Jean Jacques' money will be spending mine too, if I don't take care." M. Fille noted the hard look which now settled in M. Mornay's face, and it disturbed him. He rose and leaned over the table towards his visitor anxiously. "Tell me, if you please, monsieur, is there any real and immediate danger of the financial collapse of Jean Jacques?"

That done, he enlisted in the first regiment of the Chasseurs d'Afrique, had in the very beginning of his military career the good fortune to make one of an expeditionary column sent into the Sahara, distinguished himself, soon became quartermaster, and at the end of three years was about to be appointed sub-lieutenant, when he was captivated by a young person who played the 'Fille de Madame Angot', at the theatre in Algiers.

'We are all of flesh and blood, she said, 'but in the same situation the fille de chambre conducts herself differently to the femme de qualité. What a serious impression I am giving you of grandmamma, though! She was a gay person, full of pleasant thoughts." "She permitted pleasures, then?" "But, of course, all pleasures that did not really injure other people.

"My life has been a procession of practical things," he declared oracularly. "I have been a man of business who designs. I am no dreamer. I think. I act. I suffer. I have been the victim of romance, not its interpreter. Mercy of God, what has broken my life, what but romance romance, first with one and then with another! More feeling than thinking, Maitre Fille you say that?

It was the quality of these simple ingredients that made the occasion memorable. The eggs were so good that I am ashamed to say how many of them I consumed. "La plus belle fille du monde," as the French proverb says, "ne peut donner que ce qu'elle a;" and it might seem that an egg which has succeeded in being fresh has done all that can reasonably be expected of it.