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"The petition was filed this afternoon, and will be granted a hearing some time next week; I have not yet learned the day." "And then will you gentlemen be ready to start for home?" Mrs. Mainwaring inquired, a touch of impatience in her voice. "Well, by my soul! I should say not," laughed Mr. Thornton, before her husband could reply.

At the same moment the great doors of the temple were thrown open, and the priests, to the number of about one hundred and fifty, clad in white robes and turbans edged with turquoise blue, filed out through the portals of the building, walking with slow and measured steps, and playing a kind of dirge upon their queer-looking musical instruments, of which the most numerous consisted of long curved trumpets formed of a kind of terra-cotta.

I laughed when he told me of it. There were two doors to the room one upon Dawson's left hand, the other at the far end behind the workmen. He raised his right hand, and the chairman, who was watching him, pressed an electric bell. Then events began to happen. The doors flew open, and through each of them filed a line of smart men in blue, equipped with rifles and side arms.

Myerst, who was fully as solemn as his principal, produced a curious-looking key: the chairman lifted his hand as if he were about to christen a battleship: the steel door swung slowly back. And there, in a two-foot square cavity, lay the leather box. It struck Spargo as they filed back to the secretary's room that the procession became more funereal-like than ever.

In a way, it crystallized for her what the day's work meant: charity and its sister, service, the promise of rest and peace. Into the little parlor filed the nurses, and knelt, folding their tired hands. "The Lord is my shepherd," read the Head out of her worn Bible; "I shall not want." And the nurses: "He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters."

In a far corner of the stable lot, pawing and nozzling some remnants of fodder, were the old horses. By the hay-rick he discovered one of the sheep, the rest being on the farther side. The cows by and by filed slowly around from behind the barn and entered the doorless milking stalls.

If ever I own or run a show it will be different I mean the advance cars will be run on a different principle from this one." "I hope you do, and that I am working for you," grinned Conley. "Here we are." Billy's description of a contract hotel Phil decided had not been overdrawn. All hands filed into the dining room, and Phil had lost most of his appetite before reaching his chair.

Mechanically Hannah took the note and, scarcely realizing what she was doing, threw open the door of the parlor that parlor which was sacred to funerals, weddings, and the minister's calls. The children filed in slowly and deposited themselves with some skill upon the slippery haircloth chairs and sofa. Hannah, still dazed, went upstairs to her mistress.

Blank's order, and this number appearing on his checks only, all his goods find their way to No. 7 table, and are placed in No. 17 compartment, and checks are filed in this compartment as goods are placed.

Adjoining this apartment is another boudoir, filed with jewels of inestimable value, not to mention swords of gold, and spurs of gold, armour, and casques of gold. In a glass-case, which is kept locked, are the entire accoutrements of a horse; and the saddle, even to the stirrup-straps and girths, was studded with pearls, emeralds, rubies, and torquoises.