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And hay and grain! Jo, it's simply staggering." "I admit that," she said. "But I suppose you took all that into account when you made your bid on the job." "You bet your sweet life we did, girl! And I'll tell you what we figured freight at three and a half cents a pound." "You're fortunate. I'll get that, too, if I beat the trucks." "Figurin' on gougin' us out of our profits already, eh?"

"Law," said Stephen. "Gosh!" exclaimed Mr. Hopper, "I want to know." In reality he was a bit chagrined, having pictured with some pleasure the Boston aristocrat going from store to store for a situation. "You didn't come here figurin' on makin' a pile, I guess." "A what?" "A pile." Stephen looked down and over Mr. Hopper attentively.

Course, though, as for figurin' out why she ever noticed me at all, that's a myst'ry I had to pass up. Must have been soon after she went away that I begun sizin' up some critical the gen'ral style and get up of the party whose hair I was combin' and whose face I was washin' more or less reg'lar.

But we wasn't figurin' t' attack you on the trail, same as th' Injuns did an' failed. We wasn't figurin' ter do no shootin'. Even allowin' as we'd attacked the wagons an' killed the drivers an' young Rube an' an' you, it wouldn't ha' bin easy fer us t' carry away the goods.

"What yuh figurin' on doin'?" Casey wanted to know. "Set here under a bush an' let 'em pick yuh up same as they would a cottontail, mebbe? We got a hull night to work in, an' Casey's eyes is as good as anybody's in the dark. More'n that, Casey's six-gun kin shoot just as hard an' fast as a rifle let 'im git close enough." Barney did not want to be left alone and said so frankly.

"Y'betcha; it's burnin' a hole in my pocket. Say, you blamed ol' horntoad, howcome you not to stay for the finals? Folks was plumb disappointed we didn't ride it off." "Tell you about that later. How long you figurin' to stay in Denver, Cole?" "I dunno. A week, mebbe. Fellow at the Empress wants me to go on that circuit an' do stunts, but I don't reckon I will.

The man on the stump laughed and rolled a fresh cigarette. Lighting it, he inquired where Mr. Trendley was, intimating by his words that the rustler had not been found. "About thirty miles to th' southeast," responded the other. "He's figurin' up how much dust he'll have when he gets our cows on th' market. Deacon Rankin is with him, too." "Th' deuce!" exclaimed Red, in profound astonishment.

It was no weak, trifling face such as J. Jervice exhibited. A hard, rough look a cruel, remorseless look a mean, ugly look all these things he read in that face. "Mebbe ye'll know me when ye see me agen," said the man. Glen made no reply. "I ain't figurin' on you seein' much more o' me, though, nor any of us. D'ye know what I'm goin' to do with you?"

But better than that I'll give you a share in the profits of not only my own business, but the Legonia Fish Cannery as well." Gregory gulped. It was Dickie's voice all right. But the words were his own. There was some mistake somewhere. He strove to regain control of his scattered senses as Blagg burst out: "You're figurin' to start somethin' you can't finish, ain't you?

"And how do you know he ain't figurin' it this way: 'Now I'll send Dick Townsend down there to look at it. He'll say it's no good. Then I'll buy him out and unload this Cross of Gold hole and plant it on some tenderfoot and get mine back! You cain't make me believe in any of those Wall Street fellers!